Thursday, July 29, 2010
Here's how to become exactly what you want to be
Now you may think this is abundantly obvious, but
let's give these absolute TRUTHS some thought
anyway OK?
let's give these absolute TRUTHS some thought
anyway OK?
1. What you think about has a tremendous
effect on your life
2. If your head is buzzing with negative thoughts
and images, your life will follow your lead
(and that sucks!)
and images, your life will follow your lead
(and that sucks!)
3. If you keep positive energy flowing, you'll likely
have a LOT of positive things come into your life
(and that ROCKS!
have a LOT of positive things come into your life
(and that ROCKS!
4. It's not too late to have a happy childhood--or a
fabulous future!
fabulous future!
5. Watching this video will put you on the road to
fulfilling your destiny...
[Get On Track Today--Watch This!]
John Assaraf Video
Because today I'm happy to invite you to a "fireside
chat" with one of the most motivational people you'll
ever encounter--John Assaraf.
You may remember John from The Secret--he was
one of the key people in that life- altering event.
chat" with one of the most motivational people you'll
ever encounter--John Assaraf.
You may remember John from The Secret--he was
one of the key people in that life- altering event.
But if you haven't had the good fortune to hear from
him directly, this is a day that could be a turning point
in your life.
I promise you'll be bombarded with messages that sink
deeply into your subconscious--that help you understand
that your thoughts and attitude are everything--that little
things DO matter--that habits are more powerful than
you may have realized--and everything can begin to
turn around for you with some very small but
important steps.
him directly, this is a day that could be a turning point
in your life.
I promise you'll be bombarded with messages that sink
deeply into your subconscious--that help you understand
that your thoughts and attitude are everything--that little
things DO matter--that habits are more powerful than
you may have realized--and everything can begin to
turn around for you with some very small but
important steps.
If you've been milling around reading tons of self-help
books with little results--or spending a lot of time
feeling frustrated by your inability to clearly focus
on what really matters in life, then I urge you to
please quit wasting your time!
books with little results--or spending a lot of time
feeling frustrated by your inability to clearly focus
on what really matters in life, then I urge you to
please quit wasting your time!
Just take a few minutes and do THIS instead...
[Listen To John--Then DO What He Suggests]
John Assaraf Video
You'll even get to hear the incredible true story
from 'The Secret' of how John's visualizations shocked
him by delivering the dream home he'd imagined years before.
And it happened so easily he didn't even realize it was
the exact same home he had on his vision board he'd
made years before!
from 'The Secret' of how John's visualizations shocked
him by delivering the dream home he'd imagined years before.
And it happened so easily he didn't even realize it was
the exact same home he had on his vision board he'd
made years before!
Frankly there is a ton of valuable content in this
video--enough for you to take the ball and run
with it by implementing a few simple steps that
only take a few minutes a day.
Life is far too short to settle for trudging along in a
fog of discontent or unhappiness.
video--enough for you to take the ball and run
with it by implementing a few simple steps that
only take a few minutes a day.
Life is far too short to settle for trudging along in a
fog of discontent or unhappiness.
As a matter of fact, even if things are going pretty
well for you--there is so much more waiting for
The Universe is abundant beyond our comprehension--and
the power you have to open the door to this limitless
resource of joy and prosperity is available to you and
anyone else who truly wants it.
well for you--there is so much more waiting for
The Universe is abundant beyond our comprehension--and
the power you have to open the door to this limitless
resource of joy and prosperity is available to you and
anyone else who truly wants it.
It's miraculous really--and so confirming. The
problem is, it's so darned easy to get stuck in some
kind of preprogrammed expectation that you have
to settle for whatever comes your way.
problem is, it's so darned easy to get stuck in some
kind of preprogrammed expectation that you have
to settle for whatever comes your way.
That simply isn't true--YOU can determine your
destiny and John will prove it to you right now.
Take a moment to sit quietly, watch this video, and
finally discover the transformational power you
have within.
destiny and John will prove it to you right now.
Take a moment to sit quietly, watch this video, and
finally discover the transformational power you
have within.
To your success,
P.S. As I'm sure you can understand, all we really have
is NOW. It's your choice what you do with each moment
of your life--so why not choose this moment as a time
of inspiration, confirmation, and even transformation?
Just watch the video and you'll see.
is NOW. It's your choice what you do with each moment
of your life--so why not choose this moment as a time
of inspiration, confirmation, and even transformation?
Just watch the video and you'll see.
[Use The Moment--Now Is The Time]
Monday, July 26, 2010
The biggest mistake in your manifesting...
Time and time again I hear from good people who are
fed up, frustrated, and just plain discouraged about their
ability to reliably manifest what they want in life.
Do you ever feel like that?
If so, you're not alone. And even if you've gotten your
brain wrapped around the concept of the Law of Attraction
and are whole-hearted in your manifesting efforts--you
still may have the nagging feeling you're not quite hitting
with all cylinders.
That's why I'd suggest you take a few minutes
to watch this...
[How To Multiply Your Manifesting Power]
For one thing, you'll hear from none other than Bob
Proctor--one of the key people from The Secret. Bob
has been at this a long time--decades in fact--and
he's pretty much got the whole visualization thing dialed in.
One of the things Bob talks about are some of the most
common misconceptions about visualization, and boy
can I relate.
I remember when I first began exploring the Law
of Attraction. I pretty much made ALL of these
mistakes! For example...
1.You make some effort to practice visualizations for
a few days--but nothing happens. So you decide it's a waste of
time and stop. And guess what? Nothing happens. Duh.
2. You think you have to spend hours every day intensely
focused on the things you want most. You settle down in
the Lazy Boy and have at it--and you either fall
asleep, get a pounding headache, or start thinking about
a problem you're having at work. What a hassle--no wonder you've given up!
3. You've painstakingly glued a vision board together
and you stare at it every day. You don't want anyone to
know this, but you're bored. This whole activity is dull
as dust and you don't feel much of anything except distracted.
4. You're not completely sure visualization will
work--so you figure it's not worth trying unless
you are 100% certain something wonderful will happen.
In fact, you've perfected "why bother" into an art
form. Any of these things sound familiar? Well
here's the good news...
[Bob's Got The Answers--And It Will Change Your Life]
Here's one of my favorite quotes from this video...
"Even if you don't believe in it--do it anyway.
My attitude is: if your way isn't working, try mine. I'm doing all
right. I'm healthy, happy, and I'm wealthy. I earn more money in
one hour than I used to in twenty years. So I must know
something. And I know that this works." ~Bob Proctor
I sincerely hope you find this as encouraging as I
do--because the thing is, even if you're not sure
visualization will work for you and result in
successful manifesting--just do it!
Give it a try and see what happens.
But not for just a day or two--or even a week or two.
What you've got to do is make the commitment to
spend a few minutes on this every single day--and
I do mean EVERY DAY! Maybe even morning and
night--but consistently make the effort.
Because according to Bob (and he should know!) it's the
REPETITION of your visualizations that add up to a grand
slam eventually.
He explains it all so clearly and much better than
I ever could. But it has to do with the repetition creating
a new frequency--a new vibration that then changes
your actions--and then opens the door to what you
want being attracted into your life.
Make sense? You bet it does! And no worries about
how to wedge it into your schedule, because you
don't have to spend a lot of time on it either.
Just a few minutes a day will do it IF
you do it the right way.
All you have to do is follow the simple strategy Bob
explains in this video. It's easy. And when you
do, here's what happens...
[You Become A Powerful Manifesting Magnet]
It's exciting and it's totally achievable with a very simple
shift in your thinking and actions--believe me, I've
personally experienced how powerful this is and it is
truly the key to creating your most perfect destiny.
I don't want to give away all the goods here--so just
take a minute and watch the video OK? In the next
ten minutes you could literally have the keys to the kingdom.
To your manifesting success,
P.S. Have you ever gotten so excited about something
you had a kind of tingle at the core of your being? Or
you just felt like every nerve ending was on high
That's what happens when you experience strong
emotions.And here's a hint--those emotions have
EVERYTHING to do with creating successful
And now Bob is going to explain exactly how
you can access that fantastic energy to supercharge
your visualizations.
[See It. Feel It. GET It Right Here]
fed up, frustrated, and just plain discouraged about their
ability to reliably manifest what they want in life.
Do you ever feel like that?
If so, you're not alone. And even if you've gotten your
brain wrapped around the concept of the Law of Attraction
and are whole-hearted in your manifesting efforts--you
still may have the nagging feeling you're not quite hitting
with all cylinders.
That's why I'd suggest you take a few minutes
to watch this...
[How To Multiply Your Manifesting Power]
For one thing, you'll hear from none other than Bob
Proctor--one of the key people from The Secret. Bob
has been at this a long time--decades in fact--and
he's pretty much got the whole visualization thing dialed in.
One of the things Bob talks about are some of the most
common misconceptions about visualization, and boy
can I relate.
I remember when I first began exploring the Law
of Attraction. I pretty much made ALL of these
mistakes! For example...
1.You make some effort to practice visualizations for
a few days--but nothing happens. So you decide it's a waste of
time and stop. And guess what? Nothing happens. Duh.
2. You think you have to spend hours every day intensely
focused on the things you want most. You settle down in
the Lazy Boy and have at it--and you either fall
asleep, get a pounding headache, or start thinking about
a problem you're having at work. What a hassle--no wonder you've given up!
3. You've painstakingly glued a vision board together
and you stare at it every day. You don't want anyone to
know this, but you're bored. This whole activity is dull
as dust and you don't feel much of anything except distracted.
4. You're not completely sure visualization will
work--so you figure it's not worth trying unless
you are 100% certain something wonderful will happen.
In fact, you've perfected "why bother" into an art
form. Any of these things sound familiar? Well
here's the good news...
[Bob's Got The Answers--And It Will Change Your Life]
Here's one of my favorite quotes from this video...
"Even if you don't believe in it--do it anyway.
My attitude is: if your way isn't working, try mine. I'm doing all
right. I'm healthy, happy, and I'm wealthy. I earn more money in
one hour than I used to in twenty years. So I must know
something. And I know that this works." ~Bob Proctor
I sincerely hope you find this as encouraging as I
do--because the thing is, even if you're not sure
visualization will work for you and result in
successful manifesting--just do it!
Give it a try and see what happens.
But not for just a day or two--or even a week or two.
What you've got to do is make the commitment to
spend a few minutes on this every single day--and
I do mean EVERY DAY! Maybe even morning and
night--but consistently make the effort.
Because according to Bob (and he should know!) it's the
REPETITION of your visualizations that add up to a grand
slam eventually.
He explains it all so clearly and much better than
I ever could. But it has to do with the repetition creating
a new frequency--a new vibration that then changes
your actions--and then opens the door to what you
want being attracted into your life.
Make sense? You bet it does! And no worries about
how to wedge it into your schedule, because you
don't have to spend a lot of time on it either.
Just a few minutes a day will do it IF
you do it the right way.
All you have to do is follow the simple strategy Bob
explains in this video. It's easy. And when you
do, here's what happens...
[You Become A Powerful Manifesting Magnet]
It's exciting and it's totally achievable with a very simple
shift in your thinking and actions--believe me, I've
personally experienced how powerful this is and it is
truly the key to creating your most perfect destiny.
I don't want to give away all the goods here--so just
take a minute and watch the video OK? In the next
ten minutes you could literally have the keys to the kingdom.
To your manifesting success,
P.S. Have you ever gotten so excited about something
you had a kind of tingle at the core of your being? Or
you just felt like every nerve ending was on high
That's what happens when you experience strong
emotions.And here's a hint--those emotions have
EVERYTHING to do with creating successful
And now Bob is going to explain exactly how
you can access that fantastic energy to supercharge
your visualizations.
[See It. Feel It. GET It Right Here]
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Profitable Essence is less than a week away!
I've got a really simple business lesson for you:
if you and your business are hidden, then people won't
be able to find you, buy from you, and experience the
amazing work you do.
"Hidden" happens in a variety of ways, for example:
~~~> Not knowing how to showcase what you're REALLY
great at and NOT standing out
~~~> Relying on murky marketing messages that keep
ideal clients from finding you
~~~> Not being connected to the right people (people
who can send opportunity your way)
~~~> Playing "small" whether it's a mindset thing or
an unprofessional looking website
I hear from frustrated, hidden entrepreneurs all the time.
They're talented, amazing at what they do, yet not happy
with the mo'ney coming in.
Because no one's responding to them, they mistakenly think
they're somehow not good enough, not talented enough, and
not valuable enough.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
I'm inviting you to join Nancy Marmolejo on July 27 for a no cost call
where she's going to reveal exactly how you can get your
business out of hiding and into the hands of the people who
need it.
She'll be presenting the information in a very concise, time
saving format that is guaranteed to provide you with information
and resources that can transform your business from hidden
to visible in a very short time.
All you need to do is register here:
see you then!
P.S. This call is already getting lots of buzz - don't miss out!
P.P.S. The audio replay will only be available for 24 hours
after the call. Do what you can to make it LIVE on the line with me!
if you and your business are hidden, then people won't
be able to find you, buy from you, and experience the
amazing work you do.
"Hidden" happens in a variety of ways, for example:
~~~> Not knowing how to showcase what you're REALLY
great at and NOT standing out
~~~> Relying on murky marketing messages that keep
ideal clients from finding you
~~~> Not being connected to the right people (people
who can send opportunity your way)
~~~> Playing "small" whether it's a mindset thing or
an unprofessional looking website
I hear from frustrated, hidden entrepreneurs all the time.
They're talented, amazing at what they do, yet not happy
with the mo'ney coming in.
Because no one's responding to them, they mistakenly think
they're somehow not good enough, not talented enough, and
not valuable enough.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
I'm inviting you to join Nancy Marmolejo on July 27 for a no cost call
where she's going to reveal exactly how you can get your
business out of hiding and into the hands of the people who
need it.
She'll be presenting the information in a very concise, time
saving format that is guaranteed to provide you with information
and resources that can transform your business from hidden
to visible in a very short time.
All you need to do is register here:
see you then!
P.S. This call is already getting lots of buzz - don't miss out!
P.P.S. The audio replay will only be available for 24 hours
after the call. Do what you can to make it LIVE on the line with me!
Giving Your Way to Financial Freedom
Founder of SendOutCards Kody Bateman is a man with a passion to better the lives of millions of people by revolutionizing the way people send greeting cards. He made a promise to his departed brother that he would create a vehicle for people to act on their "promptings" and have a way to gain financial freedom.
"It is network marketing at it's finest." says Kody.
SendOutCards hosts it's own motivational training & last weeks message was such a gem, I thought I'd highlight some of the main points. The message truly gets to the why of SendOutCards.
The four key points to Giving your way to Financial Freedom are:
SendOutCards truly is the best blessing that we can 'give' to another. Let's go share some cards!

Nancy James
"It is network marketing at it's finest." says Kody.
SendOutCards hosts it's own motivational training & last weeks message was such a gem, I thought I'd highlight some of the main points. The message truly gets to the why of SendOutCards.
The four key points to Giving your way to Financial Freedom are:
- Giving to Give. Great givers know what people want. Surveys tell us that people want more money, more time, and better relationships. SendOutCards is the perfect solution to serve every ones needs. This is why it is so exciting to be involved with SendOutCards. This is not a business about a product. It is a business of helping people get a fresh start and putting hope into their lives. This is giving at it's very best.
- Why it is so important to personally sponsor 3 people. The opportunity of SendOutCards is better than ever. With the introduction of Picture Plus 2.0 a new exciting way to share lives through personalized cards created from your own images, and the ability to earn an ongoing residual income all while you are saving time & money. What an amazing concept. The best way to start your business is to simply share the system with as many people possible and get 3 people on your team to do the same. Do this and your success is not far away. Kody wants you to get 3 people because he wants you to realize the powerful potential of changing lives. He believes in it so much that he launched the get your 3 & win an Ipad contest last week.
- The "Two-Fold Mission" of SendOutCards. Help millions of people to act on their promptings and to provide a vehicle for financial freedom. It is important to focus your efforts on both aspects. Don't limit yourself by only acting on promptings. You need to be sharing the income opportunity too.
- Network Marketing at it very best. SendOutCards is a company to be proud of. They created a new opportunity presentation, enhanced the training (which was already exceptional), and gave every distributor a raise. A good network marketing company focuses on opportunity and creates tools to help get you success quickly. SendOutCards has an easily duplicatible system that anyone can use and teach others to use.
SendOutCards truly is the best blessing that we can 'give' to another. Let's go share some cards!
Nancy James
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Got 27min on July 27? let's get your business out of hiding Your genius can't hide anymore!
You're going to love this- and really be able to put it to use!
My friend Nancy Marmolejo is all about helping you get visibility for your business. And because so many of the people Nancy works with have businesses built around powerful ideals and a message, she's extra committed to getting them out of hiding and into the spotlight.
Nancy just said if you're being called a "best kept secret" that you shouldn't even smile when people say that! It's NOT a compliment and completely against everything you stand for if you're mission driven. (Your light is meant to shine, not be hidden!)
So she's put together a really great FREE call on July 27 that will show you how to get your business out of hiding and to the people who will pay you top price for your services.
And you know what else? She's going to keep this call short, direct, and to the point. 27 minutes to be exact… you can learn more about why she's doing this and what's in store for you by visiting this link:
viva visibility call
I know you'll get a ton of value out of Nancy's info- she's known as one of the most authentic people out there mixing it up in heart based marketing and social media. What she has to share with you can completely transform YOU and your business.
To your ongoing success,
Nancy James
P.S. This call might be EXACTLY what you’re looking for to break out of obscurity and finally establish yourself as the go-to person in your field!
viva visibility call
My friend Nancy Marmolejo is all about helping you get visibility for your business. And because so many of the people Nancy works with have businesses built around powerful ideals and a message, she's extra committed to getting them out of hiding and into the spotlight.
Nancy just said if you're being called a "best kept secret" that you shouldn't even smile when people say that! It's NOT a compliment and completely against everything you stand for if you're mission driven. (Your light is meant to shine, not be hidden!)
So she's put together a really great FREE call on July 27 that will show you how to get your business out of hiding and to the people who will pay you top price for your services.
And you know what else? She's going to keep this call short, direct, and to the point. 27 minutes to be exact… you can learn more about why she's doing this and what's in store for you by visiting this link:
viva visibility call
I know you'll get a ton of value out of Nancy's info- she's known as one of the most authentic people out there mixing it up in heart based marketing and social media. What she has to share with you can completely transform YOU and your business.
To your ongoing success,
Nancy James
P.S. This call might be EXACTLY what you’re looking for to break out of obscurity and finally establish yourself as the go-to person in your field!
viva visibility call
Sunday, July 11, 2010
If you've been sitting on the fence about joining SendOutCards...
There's no better time like today to join SendOutCard and start making a new future for yourself. With the introduction of Picture Plus 2.0 the product is AMAZING, our bonuses have been raised, and people love the system once they use it they're hooked! And now, Kody has just launched a killer incentive. Find three people to become entreprenuers by July 31, 2010 and win an ipad. The contest is limited to 50, so NOW is the time to get started. Don't get left behind opportunity knocks but once, ignore it & it moves on to the next person.
"I Got My 3!" July Incentive
It's time to go get three! The new July incentive, "I Got My 3," will help you grow your business. Kody Bateman says, "Just go get three and watch what happens." Not only will your bonus check grow if you go get three, but the chance to win an iPad, pin, computer bag, shirt and the recognition for completing the incentives will be huge. You have until the end of July to go get three! Now go get three so you can claim, "I Got My 3!"
The Incentive:
•If you are one of the first 50 Distributors to personally sponsor 3 new Distributors, you will receive a new iPad from SendOutCards.
•All Distributors who complete the incentive by personally sponsoring 3 new Distributors within the incentive dates will receive an "I Got My 3" shirt, pin and computer bag.
•All Distributors who complete the incentive by personally sponsoring 3 new Distributors within the incentive dates will be recognized on the “I Got My 3” recognition web site for this incentive.
The Rules:
•Within the incentive’s time frame, sponsor 3 new Distributors.
•All 3 new sponsored Distributors need to be signed up within the incentive time frame, July 8, 2010 through July 31, 2010. Personally sponsored Distributors that were sponsored before the incentive started do not count.
•The qualifying purchase must be a $398 Wholesale Package and a $59 Entrepreneur Kit. Upgrades do not qualify.
•Incentive dates are from July 8, 2010 through July 31, 2010.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Useful information if you are looking into SendOutCards business opportunity
•SendOutCards offers a very comprehensive training system and ongoing personal development. The company is constantly improving and enhancing the training so that distributors (you their most valuable asset) have all the tools to get you started & keep you motivated to succeed.
•Everyone on the SendOutCards network really functions as a team. I call them more like a "family" Senior Executives offer a wealth of advice to all members regardless of whether they are your direct up line or not. There is no feeling of up line "exclusivity".
•SendOutCard is so easy to duplicate. It's build right in to the system for you. No complicated presentations to memorize.
•Simply sharing & sending cards is all you will ever need to do to be successful in SendOutCards.
•As a qualified distributor of SendOutCards you have 8 ways to earn income.
1.Generating direct retail in person sales. This is where you would charge your customer to use the system to send cards. Example: I use this for events or fairs where I invite people to send a personalized photo card of themselves. The amount you earn is set by you. (i.e. $3 per card) OR they purchase cards & gifts individually from your SOC retail website.
2.Company paid bonuses paid weekly for customers who upgrade their accounts to the new 2.0 picture plus.
3.Retail product commissions paid monthly for customers you sign up under a retail account.
4.Coaching bonus for signing up wholesale & entrepreneur accounts paid weekly. This is your bonus for new distributors.
5.Bonuses & Commissions from your down line recruits paid weekly.
6.Retail package commission paid weekly. This is where you get a bonus for selling a block of 10 retail packages. Example: A distributor purchases the retail packages in bulk lots of 10 then when all 10 are sold within the same 30 day period you receive a bonus.
7.Ongoing residual income from the sales activity of everyone in your network paid monthly.
8.Leadership bonuses paid monthly. Just imagine give yourself a raise any time you like. When you advance in SendOutCards that's exactly what you do. The more you move up, the more money you make on your team's efforts.
The best way to understand how SendOutCards system really works is to view the demonstration & send a few cards for yourself to "test drive" it.
check it out here:
As always I am just an email away to answer any questions or provide further information.
Wishing you the many blessings that come from a giving heart!
Nancy James
•Everyone on the SendOutCards network really functions as a team. I call them more like a "family" Senior Executives offer a wealth of advice to all members regardless of whether they are your direct up line or not. There is no feeling of up line "exclusivity".
•SendOutCard is so easy to duplicate. It's build right in to the system for you. No complicated presentations to memorize.
•Simply sharing & sending cards is all you will ever need to do to be successful in SendOutCards.
•As a qualified distributor of SendOutCards you have 8 ways to earn income.
1.Generating direct retail in person sales. This is where you would charge your customer to use the system to send cards. Example: I use this for events or fairs where I invite people to send a personalized photo card of themselves. The amount you earn is set by you. (i.e. $3 per card) OR they purchase cards & gifts individually from your SOC retail website.
2.Company paid bonuses paid weekly for customers who upgrade their accounts to the new 2.0 picture plus.
3.Retail product commissions paid monthly for customers you sign up under a retail account.
4.Coaching bonus for signing up wholesale & entrepreneur accounts paid weekly. This is your bonus for new distributors.
5.Bonuses & Commissions from your down line recruits paid weekly.
6.Retail package commission paid weekly. This is where you get a bonus for selling a block of 10 retail packages. Example: A distributor purchases the retail packages in bulk lots of 10 then when all 10 are sold within the same 30 day period you receive a bonus.
7.Ongoing residual income from the sales activity of everyone in your network paid monthly.
8.Leadership bonuses paid monthly. Just imagine give yourself a raise any time you like. When you advance in SendOutCards that's exactly what you do. The more you move up, the more money you make on your team's efforts.
The best way to understand how SendOutCards system really works is to view the demonstration & send a few cards for yourself to "test drive" it.
check it out here:
As always I am just an email away to answer any questions or provide further information.
Wishing you the many blessings that come from a giving heart!
Nancy James
Friday, July 2, 2010
Realizing the power of change with MLM.
I was reading an article today,
"7.9 million jobs lost, many forever
Chris Isidore, senior writer, On Friday July 2, 2010, 4:28 pm EDT
as sad as it is that our great nation may never return to it's former wealth and glory. It also really gave me a glimmer of hope that we as network marketers can be the saving grace to those who may never get their former employment back. It is this power that we have to embrace in order to really move forward. Now more than ever, we should be out talking to people & presenting our opportunities because more people than ever before are looking for a way out. People NEED to be shown the power of people helping people.
"As many as half the people who lost their jobs will have to find something else to do," said Silvia.
That statement should be our rally cry. If 3.95 million workers will have a NEED to do something different, then we should be busier than ever in our recruitment. Where else but MLM opportunities can a person be a business owner with very little start up? Where else can they be trained to succeed in their new career with very little cost. Most people who are forced out of work will have an immediate need to find a new career. They simply cannot wait to be retrained in college programs with the hope of gaining employment in 2-4 years.
"The unemployment rate is currently 9.5%. A return to the 4.4% rate it was the summer before the recession started in 2007 is out of reach."
We as network marketers have an obligation to educate those people who may not know that there is another way, For life on unemployment isn't really a life at all. I for one cannot just sit around & watch as people grow more more despondent about the situation. We have solutions that nearly all people can prosper from with the right motivation. I do believe that we are moving into a new era where people will see the power and freedom that can only come from creating your wealth without employment restrictions and begin to NEED us as educators and motivators.
"7.9 million jobs lost, many forever
Chris Isidore, senior writer, On Friday July 2, 2010, 4:28 pm EDT
as sad as it is that our great nation may never return to it's former wealth and glory. It also really gave me a glimmer of hope that we as network marketers can be the saving grace to those who may never get their former employment back. It is this power that we have to embrace in order to really move forward. Now more than ever, we should be out talking to people & presenting our opportunities because more people than ever before are looking for a way out. People NEED to be shown the power of people helping people.
"As many as half the people who lost their jobs will have to find something else to do," said Silvia.
That statement should be our rally cry. If 3.95 million workers will have a NEED to do something different, then we should be busier than ever in our recruitment. Where else but MLM opportunities can a person be a business owner with very little start up? Where else can they be trained to succeed in their new career with very little cost. Most people who are forced out of work will have an immediate need to find a new career. They simply cannot wait to be retrained in college programs with the hope of gaining employment in 2-4 years.
"The unemployment rate is currently 9.5%. A return to the 4.4% rate it was the summer before the recession started in 2007 is out of reach."
We as network marketers have an obligation to educate those people who may not know that there is another way, For life on unemployment isn't really a life at all. I for one cannot just sit around & watch as people grow more more despondent about the situation. We have solutions that nearly all people can prosper from with the right motivation. I do believe that we are moving into a new era where people will see the power and freedom that can only come from creating your wealth without employment restrictions and begin to NEED us as educators and motivators.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
SendOutCards a MLM with a heart!
Founder of SendOutCards Kody Bateman is truly a man on a mission. He designed the online system of sending cards & gifts not only as a multi level marketing system, but more importantly to help millions of people to actively become card senders. SendOutCards provides an easy to use way of staying in touch with all the people that you affect in life. Kody calls it "acting on your promptings" simply stated when a thought of someone enters your mind act on by sending an unexpected card or gift.
Business owners love the ease of contacting clients and sending cards & gifts using the contact manager (uploading your client list) and creating campaigns (customized cards for occasions or events) for an automated way to use direct & personalized marketing.
People love SendOutCards for the ability to create very personalized heartfelt cards using their own images. The reminder system never lets you forget birthdays or anniversaries again. It's also more cost effective than the store bought cards.
Distributors love SendOutCards for the duplicatable process of recruiting new distributors. The training events & personal development seminars are top notch.
SendOutCards is a company that is more about promoting the "people" than the "product".
I am a distributor in California since 2009. We really are a company that believes in help each other. If you have any questions or just need some guidance, I am just an email away!
Nancy James
Business owners love the ease of contacting clients and sending cards & gifts using the contact manager (uploading your client list) and creating campaigns (customized cards for occasions or events) for an automated way to use direct & personalized marketing.
People love SendOutCards for the ability to create very personalized heartfelt cards using their own images. The reminder system never lets you forget birthdays or anniversaries again. It's also more cost effective than the store bought cards.
Distributors love SendOutCards for the duplicatable process of recruiting new distributors. The training events & personal development seminars are top notch.
SendOutCards is a company that is more about promoting the "people" than the "product".
I am a distributor in California since 2009. We really are a company that believes in help each other. If you have any questions or just need some guidance, I am just an email away!
Nancy James
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