Thursday, September 30, 2010

New SendOutCards Starter Kit Announced @ Convention

Today at SendOutCards Annual Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah we got a first look at the new SendOutCards Starter Kit.
It is amazing at how fast SendOutCards is growing & developing better tools to help their distributors acheive their dreams of financial independance & helping millions of people to become card senders.  When I joined last year the distributor kit contained not much more than a few card samples and a very brief booklet on creating your business.  The company has invested in the research & development of top notch training all compiled in a faux leather organizer to give every new distributor a proven path to success.  This is a huge step forward for the future of SendOutCards.
Within 30 days every starter kit will contain:
  • Faux Leather 7 ring SendOutCards monogrammed binder
  • Daily 8 Planner sample pack
  • Getting Started Guidebook
  • Opportunity & Fast Start Guide (including DVD & CD
  • SendOutCards Opportunity Flipchart
  • Info Pack
  • Card Folio binder insert for sample cards
  • 6 Sample Greeting Cards
  • Hand Writing Font Form
  • w-9 tax form
  • Box
It's a great time to get involved with SendOutCards.  Training is unsurpassed & now easier than ever to have right at your fingertips.
If you would like to learn more about the amazing opportunity with SendOutCards, I am always an email or phone call away!

Nancy James
Starlight Cards & Gifts
(707) 320-1933

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Starlight Cards Blog Overcoming Anything (a how to.)

Overcoming Anything (a how to.)

In order to be successful, you have to overcome a great many things. Most of those obstacles are created internally.  You can overcome these self-created obstacles with a little hard work and determination.
No matter what task you're taking on, you can set yourself up for success!

Here are some ways to deal with obstacles that may thwart your endeavors:

1. Understand your goals. Know exactly what it is you're trying to do. You can't just run in without a plan of some kind. Take the time to plan out your goals and the steps you intend to take to reach them.  Be sure to write them down!
Research has shown that goals that we written down were achieved far greater than those merely stored in your head.

- Even with an exceptional plan, the reality is that things rarely go exactly as you'd expect. You'll have to stop and make changes at times, and that's okay!  Be prepared for the unexpected with ideas on how to handle a situation if it arises.

- Identify the parts of your plan that may become problematic and lay out alternatives.

2. Trust yourself. You're in charge of your journey to success. You set your goals and you're the one making it happen, so you must trust yourself.  If you truly have a great passion for what you're going to do, then you'll be the best judge of what you want.

- Follow your instincts. That little voice in the back of your head may very well end up telling you exactly what you need to succeed in your goals.

3. Get help. If there's something in your way and it's too big of an obstacle for you to remove on your own, get help!  You can't do everything by yourself.  As humans, we're social beings and we need help from those around us. Call you upline.  Chances are that they have already been through the same difficulties you are experiencing. Remember we all started at the same place once.  Learn to listen to the voice of experience & most of all follow that advice.

- Depending on the situation don't be afraid to get your friends, family or co-workers involved and welcome their input on how to get around an obstacle in
your path. This will bring in new ideas and fresh perspectives on the problem in ways you may have never considered.

4. Gain a fresh perspective. There are times when, no matter how hard you try, things just don't go your way.
This is where you need to stop, take a step back, and look at things from a different perspective.

- You become used to your routine, so the fine details can easily slip past you. Take a break and walk away for a little bit. Change your focus for a time; then come back to the problem and you may see something you missed.

5. Never ever give up. Nothing has ever been solved or accomplished by giving up. Vince Lombardi said it best: "Winners never quit and quitters never win!" This is as true as it gets.

- Being too rigid on something can be counterproductive.  In order to succeed, we sometimes have to change our approach completely. Keep at the problem until you find a solution. It's there; you just have to find it.

6. Start again. Sometimes, despite all your efforts, you need to rebuild from the ground up. Maybe one of your fundamental ideas was wrong and had an effect on everything else. This happens, and while it's a setback, it's not the end of your dream.

- With a little more effort and hard work, you can do it!

Being successful isn't easy and it involves a lot of hard work, dedication and sometimes sacrifices.
With these tips, a good plan, and positive people around you to help, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

Nancy James
Starlight Cards & Gifts
(707) 320-1933

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Starlight Cards Blog Kody Bateman is the MAN!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kody Bateman is the MAN!

Kody really rocked the house today kicking off this year's annual SendOutCards National Convention.  Kody delivers a powerful message & today was no exception.  We got to the heart of the reasons for our "why".  We laughed out loud, and at many times we cried together.  We focused on the importance of acting on our promptings, and how doing so can change lives.
Kody even convinced the most skeptical (Tammy) that we would all be rap stars by the end of the day.  Guess what, he was right.  Young & old were up on their feet rapping right along with MC Kody B.  Even with a raspy voice his skills were very appearent!
I can't wait to see what tomorrow will hold!

Nancy James
Starlight Cards & Gifts
(707) 320-1933

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Starlight Cards Blog Creating Your Wealthy Mind by Chris D. Cruz

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Creating Your Wealthy Mind by Chris D. Cruz

Wealth creation all starts with the mind. If you have
an abundance attitude and wealth mindset, you'll be
able to attract the financial success you deserve!

While there are many paths to wealth, once you discover
the abundance mindset, you've set yourself up for actually
achieving your dreams. But how do you create this mindset
in the first place?

Here are some techniques that will help you develop a wealth

1. Visualize your goal. It's not enough to just say you
want to "be rich." You have to make the conscious decision
to create a clear goal and visualize all the details. It's
best to focus all of your energy on one thing rather than
spreading yourself too thin.

2. Be specific. Break down your goal into minute details
and start thinking about the exact steps you need to take
in order to get there.

3. Break up the plan. The goal seems huge at first, but
once broken down into smaller, more manageable steps, it
doesn't seem so bad.

Focus on each individual task that you need to complete,
and then congratulate yourself once you achieve each step.

4. Take action. It's easy to get caught up in the
daydreaming and planning phases of your goals, but action
is what it takes to get you there. Your dreams become
realities with action; otherwise they'll just remain
dreams forever.

5. Seek a mentor. Sometimes people are tempted to go at
it alone, but you're not alone in this world! There are
many out there that would like to see you succeed and
it's your responsibility to find these like-minded people.
Perhaps a business mentor or life coach may be just what
you need to give you that extra push.

6. Focus on your thoughts. If you're experiencing confidence
issues, it's important to take time to focus on your
thoughts. Do you really believe that you can achieve wealth?

Are negative thoughts holding you back? If necessary, remind
yourself that wealth is possible and that success is a very
real possibility for you as well.

7. Believe you deserve it. Believe that you are worthy of achieving
wealth. If you don't think that you deserve it, you may
unconsciously set yourself up for failure. In turn, you may
actually become the roadblock that prevents you from the wealth you

Believe In Yourself

Do you truly want wealth? Then be willing to follow through on your
action plan while maintaining a positive attitude.

In life there are plenty of snags in the road and your path to
wealth won't always be easy. If you maintain the perseverance to
achieve, you'll be more willing to seek solutions and find success.

Remember that you have to start somewhere. Take the time to truly
appreciate your progress. So for example, if you've doubled your
salary, that's a huge feat to be celebrated! While you may not be
rich yet, you've made progress on the way to wealth. Keep focused
on your goal and you'll continue to build an unstoppable momentum.

Nancy James
Starlight Cards & Gifts
(707) 320-1933

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

SendOutCards Announces Keynote Speaker & MC

Thurl Bailey Returns as a Keynote Speaker for 2010 Convention
Celebrity, pro athlete, entertainer, inspirational speaker, master storyteller and SOC distributor Thurl Bailey will take the stage as a keynote speaker during SendOutCards’ 2010 Making A Difference Convention.
Known for his integrity, strong sense of community service, and phenomenal leadership skills both on and off the court, Bailey delivers a message to individuals and companies about some of life’s most important priorities: to persevere, build winning teams, encourage peak performance, develop leadership, and discover opportunity for change.
Bailey dominated the stage at SendOutCards’ 2008 National Convention, inspiring all in attendance. This year we are all chomping at the bit to feel of his strong presence and hear his inspirational message once again.
Linda Clemons to be the Master of Ceremonies at 2010 Convention
Empowering people to achieve professional and personal success due to her mastery of motivation, Linda Clemons, will grace SendOutCards with her presence at the Making A Difference Convention as the Master of Ceremonies.
Clemons, the popular radio/television personality and CEO of Sisterpreneur Inc. who excels in helping others move from ordinary results to extraordinary success, is returning this year with her world-renowned business skills to be an integral part of this historic convention.
Each member of the SendOutCards family at this year’s convention is sure to experience Clemons’ stunning, positive influence!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kathy Ireland to be a Keynote Speaker at 2010 Convention

Kathy Ireland to be a Keynote Speaker at 2010 Convention
SendOutCards is excited to announce former-model, actress, author and entrepreneur Kathy Ireland as a keynote speaker for the 2010 Making A Difference Convention.
CEO Kody Bateman invited Ireland to play a key role in this year’s convention because of her dedication to “finding solutions for families, especially busy moms” and her involvement with SendOutCards as an independent distributor. Her success as the CEO of a billion dollar company (kathy ireland Worldwide), her leadership skills and her belief in SendOutCards as the best tool to help people act on promptings, is why SendOutCards feels privileged to have her speak at this year’s convention.
The partnership between Ireland and SendOutCards for this year’s Making A Difference Convention will send a message of hopeful solutions, financial freedoms and helping people act on their promptings.
Click HERE to watch a video of CEO Kody Bateman and Kathy Ireland discussing SendOutCards and this year’s convention.

Monday, September 6, 2010

It's all about being good to YOU!

If you find that you're comparing yourself to others
and coming up short, it's time to stop that destructive
habit. Comparisons get you nowhere. Rather than leading
to positive improvements, they only cause you pain and

A better choice is to focus on your own personal needs
and wants. You're a unique individual who requires a
personal approach! This helps you boost your self-image
because you're focused on improving yourself and not trying
to beat someone else in some uncharted race.

Learning to focus on you rather than everyone else around
you can be a difficult task. Too often, we're so used to
focusing on our families and friends that we don't even know
how to begin the process of focusing on our own choices and
decisions that determine our lives.

Follow these five tips to help you focus on fully
enjoying your life:

1. Devote one hour a day to "me time." During this time,
focus completely on yourself and the things you need or
desire to feel strong, lovable and important. Reflect on
what's important to you. Dream big dreams and figure out
small steps you can take to achieve them.

Your  "me-time" can be anything you like it to be: take a
relaxing bubble bath, go for a walk, take a nap, get a
manicure, read a novel, or do something else. Anything
that brings you pleasure simply for the sake of pleasure
qualifies as me-time.

2. Take care of your own physical, spiritual and health
needs. Relying on someone else to meet your needs only leads
to dependence and resentment. Don't wait for someone else to
do these things for you.

You have the power within you to meet your own needs and
the only way you can be truly whole is to do just that.

3. Feed you mind and body good healthy fuels. You cannot
expect your mind and body to function at their best if you
don't provide them with the fuels they need to work at
full capacity.

Feed your body good foods: fresh fruits and vegetables,
whole grains, and lean proteins. Drink plenty of water
to keep your body fully hydrated.

Feed your mind by reading informative, well-written books,
newspapers, and magazines. Choose recreational reading
that builds your mind and spirit. Limit your TV watching
and spend your time pursuing things that stimulate your
thinking instead.

Play board games rather than video games. Listen to music
designed to stimulate your brain waves with binary beats.

4. Spend time each day doing something you love. No matter
what your hobby is, it's healthy to indulge in a creative

Gardening, painting, woodcarving and pottery are all
hobbies that encourage your creativity while you use your
hands to create something beautiful.

5. Start a gratitude journal. Begin and end each day
by listing five unique things you're grateful for in
your life. Before long, you'll find that you spend more
of your time dwelling on all the good things you have in
the world rather than negative obstacles you might face.

Focusing on you helps you take the best possible care
of yourself. It allows you to replenish your batteries
and regain your strength so you can be fully present and
engaged in the rest of your day.

Nancy James
Starlight Cards & Gifts
(707) 320-1933

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Starlight Cards Blog 4 Steps to Success