Thursday, December 30, 2010

YOU can predict the future!

The best way to predict your future is to... CREATE IT!

You have free will. You can sculpt your world in accordance with your desires.

With the New Year just ahead, it's a time to own your power and get excited about POSSIBILITY & the wonders to come!

You can leave behind what you don't want, build on what you do, & create new dreams to blossom and bloom!
Let me wish you a Happy, Love, Joy & Success-Filled year ahead!!
May 2011 be overbrimming with all you desire and more!
And with this in mind, I want to enthusiastically remind you that...
You are a powerful creator!

You are creating your reality in every moment, whether you're aware of it or not.

Your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, choices and desires, your imagination and expectation, all play a what you experience on a day-to-day basis!


You are the fountainhead of your experience!

You can move from victim to victor, from blame to gain, from fear and failure to triumph and success!

You can author your life in delightful accordance with your heart's deepest wishes and desires.

Just how good can life get? Dare to imagine!

Freedom is the paint that flows from your mind to create your world.

Reality is an illusion, as quantum physics now proves. When we dissect our world at the subatomic level and beyond, we discover there is nothing solid at all!

Your world is comprised of wavelengths of energy that responds directly to thoughts. In fact, that energy manifests as form by your thoughts.

Reality and the observer are not separate. You and your world are inextricably linked.

Life is your canvas, imagination the palate, choice and desire the brush and the strokes.

Reality is a limitless ocean of possibility, an infinite field of living light, made manifest by your heart and mind.

So what does all this mean? What can you do about it?

You can get yourself in the driving seat of your life. You can take charge and start consciously creating your life & charting the course to your brightest futures! 

"Meaningful Marketing Matters"
Nancy James
Starlight Cards & Gifts
(707) 320-1933 office
(707) 332-2947 cell
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Starlight Cards Blog Your Thoughts are a perfect reflection of what is in the process of happening

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Your Thoughts are a perfect reflection of what is in the process of happening

The tip I am about to present is so powerful, but yet most people have no clue and delay their progress because they didn't get this part.

The Tip- When you picture yourself obtaining your goals, only picture the result! Don't picture yourself making progress, and don't focus on getting there step by step. Don't say phrases like
"I think I can" and "I'm getting where I want to be". Instead, project the final objective as completed!

What you think and project is what the world will bring you next! If you project making progress, the world will respond and the results will be that you make progress. Yes this is good, but it
would have been a lot better and faster if you projected that you already succeeded! When the world responds, it will bring you to success much faster if you focus on the feelings of your completed
goal. So in summary, cut right to the chase, and project yourself as you want the final outcome to be. You will be amazed by the results!

"Meaningful Marketing Matters"
Nancy James
Starlight Cards & Gifts
(707) 320-1933 office
(707) 332-2947 cell

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Starlight Cards Blog 10 Steps For Manifestation

Sunday, December 26, 2010

10 Steps For Manifestation

Manifestation is a powerful mind tool that very few actually understand. Believe it or not, your thoughts create reality and you have the power to achieve whatever you desire. We live in a world
without limits. The only thing that holds you back is yourself.
Many great minds have known this throughout history. Here are just a few examples:
"You create your own universe as you go along" Winston Churchill
"All that we are is a result of what we have thought" - Buddha
"What this power is, I cannot say.  All I know is that it exists."
Alexander Graham Bell
"Imagination is everything.  It is the preview of life's coming
attractions." Albert Einstein
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve" W. Clement
Here are list of 10 Manifestation Steps that will help you make the most from your Manifestation sessions.
1. Relax your mind, body, and soul. You should be totally relaxed and allow positive energy engulf your entire being.
2. Let your mind blockages go, and open your spiritual mind.
3. Once you reached an Altered Conscious State, it's time to Manifest.
4. Picture yourself extremely happy and satisfied where you are feeling content.
5. Imaging that you have already accomplished your goal.
6. Focus on the good feelings of reaching your dream.
7. Use only positive words and thoughts. Do not use any negative words whatsoever.
8. Linger on the good feelings, and imagine that it is really happening.
9. Speak the words and vocalize how you achieved your success.
10. Believe you already conquered your goals with all your heart.
Wishing you all that you can manifest in 2011!

"Meaningful Marketing Matters"
Nancy James
Starlight Cards & Gifts
(707) 320-1933 office
(707) 332-2947 cell
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Starlight Cards Blog Millionaire Mindset Trait #9: Work hard now so you don’t have to work hard later on in life.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Millionaire Mindset Trait #9: Work hard now so you don’t have to work hard later on in life.

Millionaires start out working very hard in order to become wealthy enough to not
have to work hard later. There is definitely some hard work involved if you want to
become someone who makes seven figures a year. However, you may find that
even though it’s a lot of work in the beginning, it quickly becomes addictive when you
start to see the money coming in. And when you are seeing great results, the hard
work doesn’t seem so difficult any more!

Most millionaires wind up working extremely hard today, so in the future they can
have more time to spend with their families and friends and do the things they love.
Of course, you will occasionally see those who are living an extravagant lifestyle and
appear to be lazy and self-indulgent – the ones who live in mansions and are always
taking exotic holidays and such.

But most millionaires do not come across money by luck so they don’t take it for
granted. They never forget the hard work and persistence it took for them to get
where they are now. They truly appreciate the path they took – the risks and the
sacrifices involved - that allowed them to live their current lifestyle.

I have found that well over two thirds of the millionaires I know aren’t very flashy
people. Sure - they might go on quite a few flashy vacations - as they value their
time to relax - but they don’t often choose to spend their money on flashy cars, large
extravagant mansions, or things of that nature. That sort of lifestyle doesn’t really
suit the average millionaire in my experience.
Article By Mark Ling

Wishing you all the best!

"Meaningful Marketing Matters"
Nancy James
Starlight Cards & Gifts
(707) 320-1933 office
(707) 332-2947 cell
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Starlight Cards Blog 10 Ways To Raise Your Consciousness

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

10 Ways To Raise Your Consciousness

Below are some timeless tips that will help you raise your vibration to enhance your manifesting success and connect more to the radiant truth of your being and the bountiful nature of reality.

1. Take Responsibility
As James Allen says, "Circumstance does not make a man, it reveals him to himself'. The more you take responsibility for your life, the more you are able to change it. Responsibility is freedom and empowerment. Become conscious of the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes that are creating your world. Take responsibility for them and choose those that serve you and your world.
2. Gratitude
Gratitude opens your heart and connects you and aligns your vibration to that which you feel grateful for and as such attracts more of the same into your life. It is a way to give (in its appreciation) and receive (by the opening and expansion of that giving). The more you value and appreciate something, the more there will be to value and appreciate.
3. Trust
Trust takes you towards happy desired outcomes in a magical, effortless way. Trust yourself and your power as a creator. Trust the universe and the gifts it wishes to bestow open you. Trust the doors that are opening and those that are closing. Relinquish control and allow yourself to be carried along the river of trust that will take you to your goals with grace and ease.
4. Suspend judgment
Judging others or yourself lowers and constricts your energy and separates you from love, truth and joy. It is a way of making yourself superior and above another by making them 'less than' or 'wrong'. It can be a way you deny your own self-judgments by projecting your guilt onto another. The more you love and accept yourself, the less you judge others. We all make mistakes. Seek to forgive, love and understand both the one you are tempted to judge and any potential shadows within you that they are reflecting.
5. Meditate
Meditation allows a calm and balanced perspective to be reached and negativity to wash away and dissipate. It creates a gateway through which you can access higher states of consciousness and connect to the love and wisdom of your Higher Self. Meditation returns you to a place of clarity, truth and peace and allows your energy to clear, align, balance and recharge.
6. Honor your emotions
Honor your emotions and listen to what they are telling you about what's going on inside. If they are negative or uncomfortable what thoughts or beliefs are they pointing to that may need changing or aligning? Express and release your feelings rather than deny, repress, control or judge them. This doesn't mean wallowing in them or giving them undue attention if they do not serve you (i.e. nip that self-pity in the bud!), nor does it mean venting at someone inappropriately (writing a letter and burning it would be far 'cleaner'). Honour your emotions by accepting them and allowing them to be released.
7. Know you are loved
You are loved totally and unconditionally by the source of creation. There is nothing you need do to win that love and nothing you can do to lose it. Becoming aware of this truth connects you to your inherent value, increases your sense of worth and deserving, heals pain of separation and loneliness and opens you to the love that is there for you in every moment.
8. Forgive yourself and others
Forgiveness of self and others is the ultimate mind-body-soul detox. It liberates you from whole clusters of toxic emotions and sets you free from draining attachments. It can also set you free from feelings of guilt, shame and undeserving that block you from happiness and success. In forgiving another you are also forgiving yourself. It is an immensely powerful force for healing and transformation and a most gracious gift you can give yourself and another.
9. Have fun
Fun will attract success into your life like iron filings to a magnet. It is the antidote to stress, struggle, tediousness and seriousness. When you are having fun you are open and sharing of who you are and ride on the current of spontaneity and joy. What brings you fun, happiness and joy? Commit to more of it in all areas of your life!
10. Love, Love, Love!
Love yourself and others. There may be times this is easier than others, but make it your overriding intention. Love lies at the heart of all that you seek, and separation from it lies at the root of your troubles and pain. Let love be a guiding light in your life that will steer your ship through stormy waters back to the shore of truth, happiness and joy. We all love to love and be loved! It doesn't get better than that! It is the highest vibration there is. The more you love yourself and others, the happier, brighter and more successful your life will become. 

"Meaningful Marketing Matters"
Nancy James
Starlight Cards & Gifts
(707) 320-1933 office
(707) 332-2947 cell

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Starlight Cards Blog The Secret to Motivating Yourself To Take More Action!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Secret to Motivating Yourself To Take More Action!

I thought as 2010 draws to a close & we look forward to 2011, this is a great piece of advice to reveal why maybe you weren't as successful as you had hoped to be.  By re-framing your set of fears they just may be the key to consistancy & success you yearn for.
May many blessings be yours,

"Meaningful Marketing Matters"
Nancy James
Starlight Cards & Gifts
(707) 320-1933 office
(707) 332-2947 cell
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Starlight Cards Blog Thinking BIG for 2011 YET?

Friday, December 17, 2010

Thinking BIG for 2011 YET?

Have you started thinking about next year yet? What dreams and
goals do you have and what do you want to achieve? What goals
and challenges are you going to set yourself?
I’ve set some big goals and targets for next year around
providing more resources to help you to build the business and
the life that you want. Some will be paid and some will be
free but all will be focused on what you have a need for.
I’m going to tell you more about them soon but in the meantime,
start to think about yours... far too many people fail to set
goals that get them up and get them going.
No-one knows what 2011 will bring for themselves, for their
businesses or for the world at large but if you start without a
plan, you’re pretty much guaranteed that you won’t achieve
your full potential.
P.S. Enjoy the holidays & appreciate the greatness that is you!

"Meaningful Marketing Matters"
Nancy James
Starlight Cards & Gifts
(707) 320-1933 office
(707) 332-2947 cell

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Starlight Cards Blog Millionaire Mindset Trait #8: Help others become more successful in their own life. Always negotiate with win-win in mind.