Sunday, December 12, 2010

Millionaire Mindset Trait #8: Help others become more successful in their own life. Always negotiate with win-win in mind.

Millionaires enjoy helping others to become more successful.
They understand that the more people they help to become wealthy and successful,
the more people that are there who are willing to help them in their pursuit of wealth
and other goals. They also understand that the true art of networking and deal
making means win-win negotiating for mutual long term benefit.
So, let’s look at this trait more closely. If you can help a lot of other people do
extremely well in the world, then you’ve got a lot of people who are going to be more
than happy to help you and want you to be successful in your own endeavors as
well. In fact, when you help others reach their goals or realize the life of their dreams,
they’ll bend over backward and go out of their way to help you.
This is often referred to as the law of reciprocity. You’ve probably experienced this in
your own life. When someone does something really great for you – something that
really helps you, you can’t help but want to help them in return. You won’t forget the
kindness and help – it will stay there in your mind for a very long time.
It’s really a numbers game – or perhaps a better way to put it is that the more good
you put out into the world, the more good will come back to you. The more people
you can help, the more people you will have wanting to help you at some point in the
I have found that some people who are doing somewhat well or having a small degree
of success have a difficult time developing and nurturing this type of relationship with
anyone who is really successful. Their mindset is one of scarcity or lack so they are
very cagey about sharing the things that are working for them. They seem to be
afraid that you will take their idea and perhaps end up becoming more successful
then them or become their direct competition.
There are a small percentage of millionaires that think that way. However, in general
they are the exception to the rule. Most of the millionaires that I know are wonderfully
open and honest and more than happy to help and share advice to help people get
ahead. And believe me when I say that it comes back to them ten fold.
Millionaires also understand that the true art of networking and deal making means
win-win negotiating for mutual long term benefit. If it’s a win-lose relationship, where
one person is thinking, “I’m a really good negotiator because I got such a great deal
out of this guy,” then no one really wins.
You need to understand that if that is your mindset, then you’ll find that a) you’ll never
develop a mutually beneficial long-term relationship with that person, and b) they’re
not very likely to speak highly of you or recommend you to others when they are
talking about you.
It’s extremely important that you always think in terms of “win-win” – how both of you
can do extremely well in any particular deal. In his now famous book “The 7 Habits
of Highly Successful People”, Stephen Covey discusses the importance of making a
“win-win” approach one of your 7 habits – and how much you will benefit when you
You can’t just think about your own good – you must think in terms of how they will
benefit as well. For example, if you are the type of person who goes into a shop and
starts bargaining down the price of an item, you really need to remember that that
shop owner needs to make a profit as well – if he wants to stay in business.
It will pay to always consider the other person as well – think about their goals and
try to help them while trying to benefit yourself as well. Remember this principle
especially whenever you are negotiating or dealing with business matters.
By Mark Ling

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