Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Chat with John Assaraf LIVE this Thursday...

If you missed out on John Assaraf's amazing 'Winning The Inner Game Of Money" Encore Webinar last week I've got IMPORTANT news for you.

Because of the overwhelming response from the thousands of people watching live...


All RAVING about the amazing training he delivered and how much they LOVED interacting
with him LIVE in the chatroom, he's decided to do something very special.

He will be holding one very last Encore viewing this Thursday, December 2nd, at 6pm EST and 6pm PST.

Secure your free pass here:

Here's just a tiny sample of what people said on his webinar last week...

Kristin - Hi John, I finally got to see the webinar
& really enjoyed it! But will be delayed till after X-Mas..
In the meantime, I'm starting the "do it yourself" instructions
you gave & just wanted to say thank you for sharing!

Chris - The most wonderful gift one human being can
give to another, is in some way, to make that person's life
a little bit better to live."

Stephanie - Thanks John, you really have put all the
right elements together and they work. I already know
that my millionaire income will happen on or before
the date I put my mind to. This journey now is so doable
in my mind and most of all.

But please note that due to technical limitations, John can only have a limited number of people on this final
Encore Webinar. . . so you need to follow this link and reserve your spot now . . .

If you've seen "The Secret" (and I'd be shocked if you haven't) you already know what an amazing and
inspiring person John is . . .

You know how he transformed himself from a street kid to a multi-millionaire entrepreneur, speaker and teacher . . .

And how he's used his MASTERY of the Law Of Attraction to help THOUSANDS of people around
the world break past their subconscious mental blocks and create amazing wealth, prosperity and
success in their lives.

Now John is using his over 20 years experience working with the Law Of Attraction and his deep knowledge on the Neuroscience of Success to discover the REAL REASON some people seem to attract love, power, success and wealth so easily while others continue to struggle and suffer.

On the live Webinar John pulled back the curtain on over a year of research he's done on how the subconscious mind "decides" exactly how much wealth and success you SHOULD have . . .

How you can easily get "stuck" at a level of success WELL below your potential . . .

...And how to "reprogram" the subconscious "software" of your mind so you suddenly find yourself taking massive action and attracting the wealth, success and power you've wanted so long almost AUTOMATICALLY.

Grab your spot in the FINAL "Encore" presentation of this astonishing training Webinar and you'll learn  . . .

*    Why it's not your fault if you haven't attracted everything you want into your life yet . . . and how to use a deeper understanding of the human brain to cause yourself to automatically take the simple wealth and success attracting actions that make millionaires.

*    How your subconscious mind is like a SUPERCOMPUTER . . . how past experiences and
doubts "program" your mind for a lower level of wealth and success than you want or deserve and how to replace the "bad software" in your mind (that was "installed" years ago when you were a kid) so that you can finally reach the heights of your potential.

*    Why intelligence has NOTHING to do with how much
wealth and success you'll attract into your life . . . why being "too smart" can actually hold you back . . . and how to "take the brakes off" your subconscious idea of wealth so you can double or even TRIPLE your income in the next year.

*    The "formula" your subconscious mind uses to decide how much wealth you "should" have . . . how you got "stuck" at a certain level of success far below your potential and how to instantly "raise the bar" deep in your mind to free you to finally attract the life you want.

And much more.



See you there,

P.S- This is your very last chance to get this astonishing FREE training information (that really could change how you look at and attract money for good) and interact with John LIVE.

Go here now to register:

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Is Hallmark threatened by SendOutCards?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Triple your income in 12 months?

OK, lightning just struck twice . . .

The reaction to John Assaraf's amazing "Winning the Inner Game of Money" webinar was so OVERWHELMING that John's decided to do 2 more special ENCORE presentations tomorrow, November 23rd at 6pm PST and 6pm EST.

This will be a replay of John's webinar but John will be interacting with you live on the webinar....

If you're fast enough to grab your seat in the encore, John will teach you . ..

How to OBLITERATE subconscious blocks that have been forcing you to stay at your current level of wealth
and success, no matter hard you've tried to fight against them . . .

And will show you his secret formula (that's worked for hundreds already) which will allow you to double or
even triple your income in the next year.

Over 50,000 people were on Thursday night's 2 webinar's and it was bursting at the seams so again they there are only a limited number of spots available for this special encore presentation.

So to avoid being disappointed, please act now to secure YOUR spot.



P.S. Here's just a tiny sample of what people had to say about Thursday's Webinar...


Jorge Santos, Portugal: I started to listen to John
Assaraf about 10 years ago, and now I gross over
1,000,000.00 € every year and this year, 2010 should
gross nearly 2,000,000.00 € what he says is true, just
try it if you got what it takes you will have success.

EloStone: Thank you John for your powerful

Mdelgadoimages: Strong, positive energy in
the presentation!

SkippyMelbourne: Seriously guys...this works! John
has given out awesome information

Lareiki:  Blessings and Love! This was so amazing, I
am going to watch again!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

This just in...

I got my first commission check from SendOutCards!  What amazing feeling to get an unexpected check in the mail.  By sharing what I love doing with a few friends I am earning a residual income for life!  I can't tell you how THANKFUL I am going to be on Thursday when "Giving Thanks".

I can show you a better way!  Let me know when you are ready to bring your relationships & finances to a whole new level.

Your friend,

"Meaningful Marketing Matters"
Nancy James
Starlight Cards & Gifts
(707) 320-1933 office
(707) 332-2947 cell

Contact Me LinkedIn Twitter Blogger
Starlight Cards Blog Did you miss it?

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Did you miss it?

If you missed out on John Assaraf's amazing 'Winning The Inner Game Of Money" webinar on
Thursday night I've got IMPORTANT news for you . . .

John had over 50,000 people live online for the Webinar.

And they're all RAVING about the amazing training he delivered on how to "reprogram" your subconscious
and get this "money thing" handled for good.   Here's just a tiny sample of what people said about
the Webinar ...


Jorge Santos, Portugal: I started to listen to John
about 10 years ago, and now I gross over
1,000,000.00 € every year and this year, 2010 should
gross nearly 2,000,000.00 € what he says is true, just
try it if you got what it takes you will have success.

EloStone: Thank you John for your powerful

Mdelgadoimages: Strong, positive energy in
the presentation!

SkippyMelbourne: Seriously guys...this works! John
has given out awesome information

Lareiki:  Blessings and Love! This was so amazing, I
am going to watch again!

The freaky thing is that even with so many people on the webinar there were THOUSANDS more who
couldn't make it . . .

So John's decided to do a special ENCORE presentation on Tuesday November 23rd at 6pm PST and 6pm EST.

Due to technical limitations, John can only have A limited number of people on this special encore . . . so you need to follow this link and reserve your spot now . . .

If you've seen "The Secret" (and I'd be shocked if you haven't) you already know what an amazing and inspiring person John is . . .

You know how he transformed himself from a street kid to a multi-millionaire entrepreneur, speaker and teacher . . .

And how he's used his MASTERY of the Law Of Attraction to help THOUSANDS of people around the world break past their subconscious mental blocks and create amazing wealth, prosperity and success in their lives.

Now John is using his over 20 years working with the Law Of Attraction and his deep knowledge on the Neuroscience of Success to discover the REAL REASON some people seem to attract love, power, success and wealth so easily while others continue to struggle and suffer.

On Thursday nights Webinar John pulled back the curtain on over a year of research he's done on how
the subconscious mind "decides" exactly how much wealth and success you SHOULD have . . .

How you can easily get "stuck" at a level of success WELL below your potential . . . And how to "reprogram"
the subconscious "software" of your mind so you suddenly find yourself taking massive action and attracting the wealth, success and power you've wanted so long almost AUTOMATICALLY.

Grab your spot in the "Encore" presentation of this astonishing training Webinar and you'll learn . . .

*    How your subconscious mind is like SUPERCOMPUTER . . . how past experiences and doubts "program" your mind for a lower level of wealth and success than you want or deserve and how to replace
the "bad software" in your mind (that was "installed years ago when you were a kid) so that you can finally reach the heights of your potential.

*    Why intelligence has NOTHING to do with how much wealth and success you'll attract into your life . . . why being "too smart" can actually hold you back . . . and how to "take the brakes off" your subconscious idea of wealth so you can double or even TRIPLE your income this year.

*    The "formula" your subconscious mind uses to decide how much wealth you "should" have . . . how you got "stuck" at a certain level of success far below your potential and how to instantly "raise the bar" deep in your mind to free you to finally attract the life you want.

*    Why it's not your fault if you haven't attracted everything you want into your life yet . . . and how to use a deeper understanding of the human brain to cause yourself to automatically take the simple wealth and success attracting actions that make millionaires.

And much more.



P.S- This may be your last chance to get this astonishing FREE training information (that really could change how you look at and attract money for good.)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Millionaire Mindset Trait #7: Never allow non-inspirational people to influence you in a negative way.

Millionaires never allow non-inspirational people to influence them in a negative way. Non-inspirational and / or negative people will drain your energy, dampen your confidence, and poke holes in your dreams – but only if you allow them.

I actually know a lot of individuals who have people like that in their lives – sadly often a partner or one of their friends - who have tried to talk them out of their desire to create wealth. They say negative things like, “You can’t do that - sure, other people may be able to do that, but you aren’t smart enough to do it”, or “You’ll never get rich – you’re just setting yourself up for a big let down.”

The reality is, it doesn’t make any sense for you to listen to the advice of people who aren’t where you want to be in life. They’ll attempt to undermine and sabotage your efforts. While some of them may think they are doing it to “protect” you from hurt or disappointment, there are some who do it with ulterior motives. They don’t want you to succeed because then they won’t have any excuse for their own failure or mediocrity. And they may be jealous that you are taking risks and doing things that they never had the courage to do.

You’ll have a difficult time finding any millionaires who will make those types of negative, uninspiring, or confidence-crushing statements. You will also have a hard time finding millionaires who engage in those types of negative thought patterns.  Remember earlier how I discussed the power of your thoughts – millionaires know that and that’s why they don’t give any energy to entertaining negative ones.

You should only listen to people who are where you want to be in life.

Whenever you encounter people like this – the ones who often make negative statements regarding your quest for wealth – you need to ignore them or at best, take what they say with a grain of salt. If you want to stop them in their tracks, you might say something like this:

“Thank you for caring enough about me to share your thoughts and give me advice.  But, you are an average person in society who’s living inside society’s box. You make the same income as most people, and you are struggling financially just as much as everyone else. So, with all due respect, I’m not going to listen to your advice. I prefer to listen instead to someone who is actually where I want to be in life.”

Of course, you may want to stop after the first sentence if the person trying to give you advice is someone who isn’t going to be able to handle the brutal honesty contained in the rest of the response.

You’ve really got to be very careful when it comes to who you take advice from. If you don’t have friends who are millionaires to listen to, then as discussed again, flood yourself with the wisdom and knowledge of millionaires from books, audio programs, and eBooks.

To reiterate this trait, millionaires don’t listen to advice from or allow themselves to be influenced by non-inspirational, negative people.

Now, if you are doing really well and making an incredible income, you will find that you are in the position to become an inspiration to your friends and family. Of course, there will be a few who will not want to listen to you because they are jealous of you.  But for many of your friends, you will find that they are thinking to themselves, “Wow, that’s amazing!” Those are the ones you will be able to inspire – because they will be
receptive to it.

Even if they have no interest in doing the same thing you do – to copy what you do in business, your success can at least inspire them to believe that great wealth can be attained – that it is within their reach. You can be the one who helps them realize that what had seemed impossible before really is possible, because if you can do it, they know they can as well!

By the way, knowing that you have inspired other people – especially those you care about - to improve their lives, see possibilities, and actively move towards their own goals – is one of the greatest rewards you will ever experience!

Article by Mark Ling 

The “Secret” Of Money? Important Webinar Tonight!

John Assaraf (from “The Secret”) has cracked the code on the “Winning the Inner Game Of Money” and Success. . .

And wants to SHARE it with YOU for free . . .

Get the juicy details here

Here’s what this is all about . . .

Tonight at 6pm PST and 6pm EST, John is holding a pair of special LIVE training webinars where he’ll reveal his new research on “Winning the Inner Game Of Money” and Success. . .

And teach you how to REPROGRAM your subconscious to take care of this “money thing” once and for all . . . no matter how long or how hard you’ve struggled so far . . .


If you’re serious about making 2011 the year you finally “Break Free” and gain the financial freedom you’ve wanted for so long you MUST be on this webinar...

I know I will be!


P.S. Here’s the bad news: The last time John held a webinar like this over FOUR THOUSAND people showed up to learn from him. If you want in you HAVE To go and register now or you will miss out.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bigger than the Secret?

This free training could change everything . . .

OK, this is really important, so make sure you read the whole thing . . .

Tomorrow, November 18th at 6.00pm PST and 6.00pm EST, John Assaraf is holding TWO free training
webinars where he’s going to reveal his stunning new research into “Winning the Inner Game of MONEY” and Success . . .

And show you EXACTLY how to REPROGRAM YOUR SUBCONSCIOUSMIND to effortlessly attract true wealth and success and double or even TRIPLE your income in the next year.

If you’ve seen “The Secret” (and I’d be shocked if you haven’t) you already know what an amazing and inspiring person John is . . .

You know how he transformed himself from a street kid to a multi-millionaire entrepreneur, speaker and teacher . . .

And how he’s used his MASTERY of the Law Of Attraction to help MILLIONS of people around the world break past their subconscious mental blocks and create amazing wealth, prosperity and success in their lives.

Now John is using his over 20 years working with the Law Of Attraction and his deep knowledge on the Neuroscience of Success to discover the REAL REASON some people seem to attract love, power, success and wealth soeasily while others continue to struggle and suffer.

Tomorrow, November 18th, at 6pm PST and 6pm EST, John is going to pull back the curtain on over a year of research he’s done on how the subconscious mind “decides” exactly how much wealth and success you SHOULD have . . .

How you can easily get “stuck” at a level of success WELL below your potential . . . And how to “reprogram” the subconscious “software” of your mind so you suddenly find yourself taking massive action and attracting the wealth, success and power you’ve wanted so long almost AUTOMATICALLY.


On this astonishing training webinar John is going to teach you . . .

* Why it’s not your fault if you haven’t attracted everything you want into your life yet . . . and how to use a deeper understanding of the human brain cause yourself to automatically take the simple wealth and success attractingactions that make millionaires.

* How your subconscious mind is like SUPERCOMPUTER . . . how past experiences and doubts “program” your mind for a lower level of wealth and success than you want or deserve and how to replace the “bad software” in your mind (that was “installed years ago when you were a kid) so that you
can finally reach the heights of your potential.

* Why intelligence has NOTHING to do with how much wealth and success you’ll attract into your life . . . why being “too smart” can actually hold you back . . . and how to “take the brakes off” your subconscious idea of wealth so you can double or even TRIPLE your income this year.

* The “formula” your subconscious mind uses to decide how much wealth you “should” have . . . how you got “stuck” at a certain level of success far below your potential and how to instantly “raise the bar” deep in your mind to free you to finally attract the life you want.

And much more.


Because right now hundreds of thousands of people are hearing about this special FREE training . . .

And the last time John did free training like this over 4,000 people were simultaneously watching it. . .

So you see, due to technical limitations, John has to severely limit the number of people who are able to join him live on these two webinars.

This training is probably going to have a profound impact on your life, your wealth and your success and I don’t want you to miss out, so I highly suggest you click the link below and reserve your spot NOW while you still can.


I can’t wait to hear about your multiplied success.



P.S. John is doing this webinar twice to make sure people on both coasts and around the world have an equal chance to hear this life changing information.

But even with two webinars it’s going to fill up VERY fast and once registration is full you’ll have missed your chance.

Sign up now. It’s the smartest thing you can do for your life today.


The discovery of the decade . . .

This video is amazing . . .

It's from John Assaraf (who you probably know from
"The Secret," The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Larry King
, Anderson Cooper and a TON of other shows from
around the world.)

And reveals the REAL reason you may still be struggling
no matter how hard you try to attract wealth into your life.


This video is only 13 minutes long but when you click the
link below and watch it you could change your relationship
with MONEY forever.


P.S. Do you know people aren't as smart as you are
who make MORE money and have MORE success?

This video shows you why intelligence has NO impact
on your income, why "Being too smart" could actually be
holding you back from wealth and shows you how to...

or triple your income in the next 12 months!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Do you secretly WANT to be poor?

OK, this is important . . .

Stop whatever you're doing and go watch this new

video John Assaraf just put out . . .


This video is only 13 minutes long, but it reveals John's
shocking new discovery about why SOME people
"fall into" wealth so easily, while others struggle and suffer
and NEVER achieve their dreams.


After watching this video I can already imagine how
my income is going to explode in the next year.

Watch it while you can.




P.S. John was one of the guys behind "The Secret" . . . this
is his next great discovery and you need to check it out.

P.P.S. John's also giving you his "Mind and Money"
that shows you how to reprogram your
subconscious for wealth.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Why you're still not rich . . .

Do you ever wonder why *some people* seem to have so
wealth and success in their lives, while so many
others struggle, suffer and never seem to "get rich" no matter
how hard they try?

Honestly, it's something that's bothered

me for years.

Personally, I've always been astonished and confused by
how you can
take two people who seem *so* similar in so
many ways . . . wake them up to the power of manifesting
and the Law of Attraction and, a few months or a year
later, have fantastically different results . . .

... one of them having skyrocketed to wealth, power

and success while the other seems to have
made no progress at all.

[Then I watched this new video by John Assaraf,

and suddenly everything made sense . . .]

You probably already know about John from his amazing
work in
"The Secret," his appearances on Ellen, Larry
, Oprah and hundreds of television shows around
the world . . .

John is one of the biggest experts on the Law of
in the
world and has changed the lives of
millions of people.

What you probably don't know is that John has spent
the last year
hard at work researching the "mental side"
of money.

See, for his entire adult life (and especially since he
transformed himself from a street kid to a multi-millionaire
business success)...

...John has been deeply interested in NEUROSCIENCE, the
inner workings of the mind and how the "programming" of
the mind affects everything from how you feel when you wake
up in the morning to how successful you are in your love life
to how much money you ALLOW YOURSELF to make . . .

And what John discovered during his

intensive research is that . . .

[If you're not "Rich Yet" it's not your fault . . .]


Did you just get a little chill down your spine?I know

I did when I first heard John's research.

Because what John revealed to me (and what you're going
to learn in his groundbreaking new video) is that you can
not CONSCIOUSLY choose to attract wealth and success or "get rich."

In fact, what John discovered is that for MANY people,
consciously "choosing" to get wealthy and successful can
actually hold you back . . .


Well, it helps if you think of your mind as a computer.

We all know that computers can only do what they're

PROGRAMMED for . . . you run a piece of software on
your computer and it does EXACTLY that it's programmed
to do.

The only way to change what the computer does is

to go in and rewrite the software or to install a
completely new program.

What John discovered is that so many of us are walking
with "Bad Software" embedded deep in our
subconscious minds.

"Software" that basically forces us to under perform, to be

"poor" in some cases or to hit a "ceiling of success" that we
just can't seem to break past no matter what we do.

It's not your fault that you can't get the success and

wealth you want and deserve...

..It's just that your "Software" (which was "programmed" into
your mind a long time ago, probably when you were a kid) is
just out of date.)

[But Now It's Time To "Upgrade Your Software"

And Become A Wealthier, More Successful You]

Here's what this all about . . .

John has just released an astonishing new video where he

reveals the amazing research he's been doing on the
"Inner Game Of Money and Success" . . .

And teaches you how to "reprogram" your subconscious to

almost automatically seek out and create amazing levels of
wealth and success in your life.

In fact, John's research (and the people who he's shared this

information with so far) has shown that just by making this
TINY change in your mind you can easily . . .

[Double Or Even TRIPLE Your Income In The Next Year...]


In this short video John reveals . . .

* The myth of being "Money Smart" . . .why IQ has
NOTHING to do with your ability to create wealth and
success in your life and why "Being too smart" can actually
hold you back and FORCE you to struggle far more than you have to.

* How your "internal software" got corrupted in the first
place... and how
to reprogram the core "Money ideas" you
have deep in your mind to make attracting TRUE wealth
and success as simple and natural for you as breathing is now.

* The "Formula" your subconscious mind uses to decide
how much wealth you "should" have . . . how you got "stuck" at
a certain level of success far below your potential and how to
instantly "raise the bar" deep in your mind to free you to finally
attract the life you want.

And so much more than I have room to talk about here.

This video is only going to be available for a few short
days, so as
your friend I encourage you to drop whatever
it is you're doing right now, watch it and take notes.

And be sure to let me know how you were
impacted by
what John has to say.


To your wealth, happiness and success.


P.S. You may get somewhat angry at first watching this video
you realize how your subconscious has held you back for
so long.

That's totally understandable. But you should also feel
an amazing level of freedom as you realize how much
easier it's going to be to get the wealth and success
you've wanted for so long from now on.

Watch the video. It's the most important thing you
can do for
yourself today.


Friday, November 12, 2010

Millionaire Mindset Trait #6: Focus on purposes beyond yourself – on things you can do with great wealth to help others.

This particular millionaire mindset trait is one of my own personal beliefs. I’m not sure that every millionaire shares it or not, but I believe it is a powerful thing to think about.

I have found that it’s often much easier to motivate yourself by focusing on purposes beyond yourself – in other words, to think about all the ways you can help others with your wealth.

I believe this principle is especially important when you are making good money but you haven’t yet reached the point of making truly great money. So, let’s say you’ve reached the point of making $10,000 a week. For many of you, this level of income will feel quite comfortable - comfortable enough that you may find yourself losing the drive and motivation to do what it takes to get yourself to the next level.

But if you’re thinking of other people as well, and all the wonderful things you can do for others as a millionaire, then that can be a powerful motivator.

For example, let’s say you have the following dialogue going on in your mind: “Okay, I’m making pretty good money right now. However, I have an opportunity to reach the point of making 7 figures a year here. But, I don’t really need a 7 figure a year income – after all, who really needs that kind of money?
“But on the other hand, I do have children and a family, and I would really like to pay off my house – and I want to pay it off as soon as possible. And, at some point I would really like to be able to buy several more houses so that if my current business stops bringing in a good income at some point - maybe ten or fifteen years in the future, or whenever - then if I own real estate I am still going to have another very good source of income. And I can be in a very good position to help my family, my parents, and other people I care about as well.”

Do you see how this mindset will give you plenty of motivation to move yourself towards greater levels of wealth? Trust me, when you consider all the good you would be able to do for others it is highly motivating!

Along these same lines, you can also think about all the money you would be able to give to a charity that you are passion about. Or, you could even set up a charity of your own for something that is particularly meaningful to you. 

I personally find it so much easier to be highly motivated when I think about others than myself. If I had thought only of myself all these years, I probably wouldn’t be earning 7 figures a year today. I would have become comfortable enough, and my motivation to go beyond that would have dwindled.

Becoming comfortable is one of the greatest demotivators. But when you start to think about everybody else, and all the big goals that extend beyond yourself, that comfort quickly dissipates and suddenly you begin to feel inspired, motivated, and enthusiastic about creating more wealth.

Don’t think about the money, think about all the good you can do in the world with the money – with great wealth.

Focus on helping others and you’ll become much more motivated!

Article by Mark Ling

"Meaningful Marketing Matters"
Nancy James
Starlight Cards & Gifts
(707) 320-1933 office
(707) 332-2947 cell
Contact Me LinkedIn Twitter Blogger
Starlight Cards Blog Millionaire Mindset Trait #5: Always attend to important tasks immediately – never waste your time procrastinating.

Millionaire Mindset Trait #5: Always attend to important tasks immediately – never waste your time procrastinating.

Millionaires don’t waste time procrastinating. If the task or project is important they’ll start on it immediately, or they’ll delegate it to someone else.

If it is less important, then they delegate it, schedule it for later in their calendar, or put it in an ideas folder. That way they can forget about it and move forward with tasks and projects that are important.

A good friend of mine, Mark Joyner, who is also a New York Times best selling author, is especially good at time management. He can accomplish far more in a day than just about anyone I’ve ever known. And, he is very good at helping others learn how to do the same. He once told me that, to him, there is this “cosmic RAM” going on in our heads – when I use the word RAM I am referring to computer terminology – “random access memory”.

Let’s say for example you are working online and you have several internet applications open all at the same time – such as photo shop, web browsers, Microsoft Word, and perhaps you’ve got some video software going as well – you’ve got all these programs open and operating on your computer simultaneously.

Now you probably realize that this is going to slow down your computer significantly – it’s not going to run very fast or efficiently when you have all of these applications open. And if you continue to use your computer like that you will find that it is in constant need of repairs because it overheats – it simply can’t handle that kind of load all the time.

The same sort of thing happens in your mind. Let’s say you are thinking about the laundry, vacuuming, and housework you need to do; your kids have a birthday party they are supposed to go to on the weekend and you need to get gifts for that; plus you’ve got this website you need to set up or some part of your business you need to attend to; and on top of all of that you just bought an exciting new training course that teaches you how to do something you’ve been wanting to learn for awhile now.  You’re thinking to yourself how you need to get all these things done.

Just like your computer, you’re brain is overloaded with all of these different things going on in your head at the same time. Needless to say, that affects your own internal cosmic RAM, and that’s not a good thing. Metaphorically speaking, it’s going to overheat.

What you need to learn how to do is 1) get all of the most pressing tasks done right away,  2) put them on your calendar to do at a future date – preferably an online or phone calendar so you can forget about them for now but know that you’ll be reminded about them at the right time, or 3) delegate some of the tasks to other people – particularly those that are business related.    4) For non-urgent tasks that you don’t know when you will be able to get to them, you can put in an ideas folder.  Ideas folders are great – you just review the tasks in it every month to see if you have time to work on them.

In order to be efficient and productive - like with your computer – and to keep things running smoothly, you need to be able to “close off” the majority of those tasks in your mind so that you’re brain is not too cluttered with so many things going on in it.  This way, when you do work on a task you can really focus your mind on it. The more focused you are, the more likely you are to do it properly and finish it more quickly than if you try to focus on too many tasks all at the same time.

Article by Mark Ling http://www.amazingself.com

"Meaningful Marketing Matters"
Nancy James
Starlight Cards & Gifts
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SendOutCards’ 2011 National Convention is hitting the strip next year in Las Vegas, Nevada 
from August 17-20.  
Next year’s convention theme is Freedom. The reason why this theme has been chosen is paramount.

“The theme is Freedom. Freedom to live the life you deserve to live because of financial freedom. Freedom to do the things you want, when you want, how you want, and with whom you want. This is the freedom to create abundance in your life, your finances and your relationships. This is the freedom to be happy, to have joy and to have peace in your life. This is the freedom SendOutCards offers millions of people.” (Kody Bateman, Founder and CEO)

Make your dreams happen by Making a Difference!
I'll see YOU in Las Vegas.

"Meaningful Marketing Matters"
Nancy James
Starlight Cards & Gifts
(707) 320-1933 office
(707) 332-2947 cell

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Starlight Cards Blog Millionaire Mindset Trait #4: Constantly be learning from other millionaires – from those who are already where you want to be or who are more successful than you in a certain area.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Millionaire Mindset Trait #4: Constantly be learning from other millionaires – from those who are already where you want to be or who are more successful than you in a certain area.

Millionaires seek advice, they read books, and they listen to audio and video programs from people who are more successful than them in a specific area. So it doesn’t necessarily mean that that person makes more money than they do, but rather those people they are listening to are better than they are in an area in which they are interested in improving themselves.

Now, it’s an unfortunate thing but the average person in society actually gets really jealous of people who are more successful than them. That’s one of the reasons you will often hear people make pejorative statements about wealthy people – for example, “rich people are greedy”, or “money brings out the worst in people”, or more subtly derogatory statements such as “filthy rich”.

It’s much easier to make yourself feel better about your lack of success (and meager bank account) by putting others down rather than to own the fact that you are responsible for your life and your financial situation.

Millionaires know, however, that harboring jealousy towards others’ success is pointless. They realize it is far better to be inspired from the success of other people, and to learn from them.

If you ascribe to the principles of the Law of Attraction, then you are most likely aware that resenting or disliking others’ for their success and wealth is going to sabotage your own ability to attract the same. It puts negative energy out into the universe, and the universe will respond back in kind.

Instead, if you express happiness and good will for others – even those who may seem to have far more than they deserve – the universe will reward you – because that is positive energy and will allow you to attract positive things into your own life.

If you find yourself feeling jealous, envious, or negative in any way with regards to other’s good fortune, then it’s really important that you begin to change your thinking.  Those negative thoughts and feelings will not help you at all towards successfully reaching your own goals.

You really must learn how to actually be happy for other people’s success and to be inspired by it. Look for ways that you can learn from them. Disliking them or allowing jealous feelings will not get your anywhere. It certainly won’t help you in your goal of creating a life filled with wealth and abundance.

Most millionaires have that mindset – they are genuinely happy for other’s success and good fortune. I know this very well because I personally know a lot of millionaires.  Every one of us is always sharing advice back and forth with each other. Not only that; every one of the millionaires I know would much rather hear that someone’s successfully making money rather than hear that they are struggling or failing.

They may experience a twinge of jealousy once in awhile when someone is really successful – after all, they’re human too. But they aren’t going to say things like “I hate that guy”. Rather, most millionaires are much more likely to have a healthy respect for someone else’s success. And, they will look for ways to learn from it to improve their own life.

They are likely to say to themselves, “Okay, now just what exactly did he do to accomplish that?” They take action and investigate a little further. In fact, they may just call the person and ask. Most wealthy people love sharing great ideas and helping others by telling them what worked for them.

Once they learn and understand what the successful person did, other millionaires will likely say to themselves, “Oh, okay, I see what he did. Now I am going to try implementing that same thing into my own business and make it work for me as well.” That attitude is really important and will make a huge difference in your life!

Perhaps you’re thinking to yourself, “Great – I don’t know any millionaires personally, so how can I learn from them? It’s not like I can call them and pick their brain for awhile.”

If you don’t personally know any millionaires to associate yourself with then there are plenty of ways you can learn from other millionaires. Start by flooding yourself with knowledge from them – by listening to their audio and video programs, or reading any books they have written.

Books are a fantastic way to learn from the success of others! There are a lot of great books on Amazon.com for instance. I am constantly learning from other millionaires and improving my mind on a daily basis. Every night - or almost every night - I spend some time reading a different book that has to do with wealth creation or other forms of business. I can definitely say from experience that doing this regularly will really make a difference in your life.

Audio programs are excellent learning tools as well. Perhaps you don’t want to sit down and read – maybe you’d rather be outside taking a walk. Audio programs are great for this. You can often get audio versions of books – there are a ton of “wealth gurus” who have audio programs to help you become more successful and increase your wealth.

Some of the greats are Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Jack Canfield, Suze Orman, and Robert Kiyosaki just to name a few. You can download audio programs onto your iPod, MP3 player, or pop a CD into your car stereo. It’s really a very helpful way to upgrade your mind by doing this every day.

By finding ways to constantly learn from other millionaires you will begin changing your mindset – you will start to think along very different lines than what the average person in society thinks. Reading books, watching videos, and listening to audios regularly will affect your subconscious thoughts on a daily basis and bring about amazing results.

If you struggle with frequent negative thoughts over which you feel you don’t have much if any control, then this is a great way to rapidly start changing those very thoughts to ones of possibility, abundance, and gratitude – all things which will empower you and move you towards your wealth goals.

Also, you will begin to develop a greater understanding of how wealth is actually made. While each millionaire’s approach might be a little different, you will find that the underlying principles are pretty much the same. You will start to realize that wealth creation is a skill you can absolutely acquire rather than some airy fairy sort of thing that only lucky people get to have, as that is simply not true (and a negative belief that you need to eradicate!)

Article by Mark Ling http://www.amazingself.com

"Meaningful Marketing Matters"
Nancy James
Starlight Cards & Gifts
(707) 320-1933 office
(707) 332-2947 cell

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Starlight Cards Blog Millionaire Mindset Trait #3: Reinvesting your money is how you make big money – and you should never feel guilty about making big money. by Mark Ling

Monday, November 8, 2010

Millionaire Mindset Trait #3: Reinvesting your money is how you make big money – and you should never feel guilty about making big money. by Mark Ling

Millionaires understand that it’s the reinvestment of money that makes the big money.  Money invested wisely multiplies itself. To put it simply: Money makes money.

This is a key difference that sets millionaires apart from the average person.  Millionaires invest their money and spend what is left, whereas most people in society spend their money and invest what is left – and that’s the wrong way around. In fact, that’s a good way to remain broke, as it’s far too easy to spend everything and not have anything left to reinvest.

One of the best things you can start to do now is to decide on a certain percentage of your income that you will reinvest regularly. Make that the minimum amount, and then, say, if you have an unusually good month invest even more. Make a commitment to yourself that this money is already earmarked for reinvesting – for growing your wealth – and is not to be spent on other things. Otherwise it is far too tempting to use it to buy the latest high-tech gadget you saw advertised.

Make reinvesting a habit and the rewards will be great. It is a powerful way to move you towards your goal of becoming a millionaire It’s also important to understand that wealth is not fairly distributed based on who deserves it. You won’t ever become wealthy by selling your time for money – at least you won’t attain any truly big wealth. Wealth is also not something you should ever feel guilty about making.

A lot of people feel guilty if they make more money (relatively speaking, considering inflation) than their parents did. And this type of guilt will really trip you up in your quest to become a millionaire. It is a self-limiting belief that can easily become a self-fulfilling prophecy. So if you’ve got that kind of belief system going through your mind frequently, or deeply ingrained in your values, you will really need to change it as soon as possible in order to become wealthy.

You can overcome it by choosing an appropriate affirmation to replace it. You must begin to reprogram your mind to where you truly believe that money is actually a good thing. If you want to become a millionaire it is essential that you believe that becoming as wealthy as possible is actually a healthy and natural thing to do.
Money is not evil – it is not the root of all evil. Sure, people can and have throughout history used money at times to fund evil things that harmed individuals or society as a whole. It certainly took a significant amount of money to fund and pull off the terrorist attacks that occurred on 9/11. But, that is the extreme exception.
Wealth is not a bad thing; it is not an automatic reflection of greed or selfishness. If those are your thoughts then it is time to change them to begin thinking of money as a good thing. As something that can open doors, create opportunities, give you more freedom to do good things, and to allow you to significantly help others and the world in general.

Millionaires recognize that money is good because it is a payment for clever thinking and wise leveraging of one’s time. So they continuously reinvest money to make money. They fully understand the concept of making their money work for them – as money makes money. It’s a mathematical thing.

Keep in mind, at the lower levels you may start out getting paid for your time – just about all of us have to do that. But even if you are being aid for your time working for someone else, it is essential that you always set aside some of your income and reinvest it. By doing so you allow your money to multiply itself – over and over and over.

Leveraging your time means that you’ve got to pay other people to do things for you – things that aren’t a good use of our time. Most millionaires have their own businesses. They don’t try to run them all by themselves – rather, they pay people – their employees – to do the majority of the work for them.  I have 8 companies and 35 staff – if I tried to take care of everything myself my companies would quickly suffer – not to mention I certainly couldn’t have grown my business to that level by myself. Part of reinvesting my money was to hire others to do work I couldn’t do myself – either because I lacked the time or the skill – or to do work I didn’t like to do so I could put my energy and enthusiasm into what I enjoy the most – as that is also what I do the best.

Remember when I was still a student at university just starting out with my internet business, I hired another student to work 10 hours a week for me. And then I hired several more as my business grew. Believe me, as a kid in college I could have easily spent that money on fun things instead. I also could have continued to do all the work myself.  But I realized that the smartest thing – clever thinking – was to put that money right back into my business – reinvesting it - and pay others to do some of the work.  I wisely leveraged my time early on, and that helped me to become a millionaire. 

If you don’t reinvest your money at the start then you absolutely want to do it as soon as you have any money to spare. I can’t emphasize this enough. You must reinvest money to make money. That’s how true wealth – the big money - is made. And every millionaire I know understands this and does this.

When I say reinvest, this can be into things such as the stock market or similar types of investments. However, I personally believe that the ideal way – the best way if you want to get a high return on your money – is to simply reinvest your money back into yourself and your own business.

If you’ve got an internet marketing business like me, you can reinvest your money back into things such as getting more of your money making websites set up, getting more traffic to your websites – basically focusing on those four areas discussed earlier - leads, conversion rates, dollars per customer, and transactions per customer. 

If you’re in another type of industry, there are countless ways in which you can reinvest your money back into your business – hire more staff to do tasks that you don’t like doing or don’t have time to do; hire a consultant to help you improve your business in different areas; move your business to a better location; expand your product line; develop new products; and so on.

As long as you are reinvesting your money wisely, it will continue to grow and bring
you that much closer to reaching millionaire status!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Millionaire Mindset Trait #2: Focus on the business model that can significantly help you increase your income. by Mark Ling

Millionaire Mindset Trait #2: Focus on the business model that can significantly help you increase your income.

The majority of millionaires understand that the universe doesn’t just hand you money.  While a few do believe that can and does happen by following the tenets of the Law of Attraction, in my experience the majority of millionaires are much more pragmatic about how wealth is acquired.  Most millionaires understand that real money is made by focusing on this business model:

Leads multiplied by conversion rates times the average dollars made per customer times the average number of transactions per customer determines the amount of money you make.
Let me put it more simply:
Leads x
Conversion rates x
Average $$$ per customer x
Average number of transactions per customer
= Your income

In my work as an internet marketer, that business model is what I always focus on.  It has played a significant role not only in helping me become a millionaire, but in helping me continually grow my business.

I’m always working on finding ways to get more traffic to my websites and get more visitors to my landing pages, which means more leads. I work to capture as many of those potential leads as I can with things like email marketing, newsletters, and so forth so I can convert those leads into buying customers or sales.
From those initial purchases I then try to get my average customer to spend more – to buy more products or higher-priced products. And from there I want to get them to become regular customers - to buy from me on an ongoing basis. All of these steps follow the business model shown above.

The greater each of those numbers in this equation, the more money I make.

Now, that’s what I do as an internet marketer.
Perhaps you’re thinking, “what if I’m not an internet marketer – will this model still work for me?” No problem! This business model applies to virtually every type of business there is. 

Let’s say you run a coffee shop. You most likely advertise in various ways in order to get more people (leads) to come into your shop. When they come in, you strive to get a higher percentage of them actually buying something from you (convert the leads).  And of course, you always want to get the average person to spend more money ($$$ per customer) – for example, you might say to them as they order a coffee, “Would you like a fresh pastry to go with your coffee today?” or, if they’re ordering a pastry or lunch, “Would you like some freshly brewed coffee to go with that?” 

And then, of course, you always try to get each customer to come back and buy from you again (average number of transactions per customer). So, for example, you might offer them a loyalty tab (kind of like frequent flyer miles except it’s coffee) or something like that. Or, if you’re a savvy business owner utilizing the power of the internet, you get them to sign up for your email list. Then you can occasionally run a
special offer and tell them in the email, “Hey, if you come in today you will get a free latte with whatever you order”.

All of those things combined will determine the amount of money your business brings in. At the end of the day, no matter what industry you’re in – whether it’s internet marketing, running a hotel, or selling real estate - these are the four things that you want to always be focusing on if you want to reach your goal of becoming a
millionaire.  Millionaires understand that you really want to pay close attention to detail and always keep trying to improve upon each area, because the money that you make is a multiplication of these four things – in other words, the higher those numbers, the more money you will make. So if you improve even just a couple of these things it will greatly boost your income.

Let’s look at some numbers…

For example, let’s say you have a business that’s bringing in $5000 per month - $60,000 per year. If you were to double just two of these areas – say your leads double and the average dollar amount per customer doubles – your income would quadruple – you’ve just gone from $60,000 per year to $240,000 per year! Not bad.

But let’s look at what happens if you double all four areas - your leads double, your conversion rates double, your average dollar amount per customer doubles, and the average number of transactions per customer doubles. Now you’re making sixteen times more money than you were making initially. $5000 per month x 12 months x 16 = $960,000 a year!

Now, as you can see it doesn’t take much of an increase to substantially increase your income. But let’s play with the numbers just one more time. Let’s say you tripled each one of those areas? You’d be making 81 times more money than you were originally!! Yes – 81 times!! So, your business has now gone from $5,000 a
month / $60,000 a year, to bringing in (are you sitting down?) – $405,000 per month!
Just by tripling those numbers. That’s an amazing leap from a meager $60,000 per year to $4,860,000 per year!

Hopefully you can now see how focusing on that business model – how an increase in any of those areas and especially in all four areas - can absolutely move you towards your goal of becoming a millionaire!
Millionaires understand the power of this business model and they use it to create wealth.

Article by Mark Ling  http://www.amazingself.com

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Millionaire Mindset Trait #1 Your thoughts create your reality. by Mark Ling

Millionaire Mindset Trait #1: Your thoughts create your reality. 
Millionaires understand that the outside world closely mirrors what goes on inside one’s mind. In other words, your thoughts create your reality. They recognize the power of their thoughts in terms of achieving their goals and creating the life they desire.

If you want to know the type of stuff that goes on inside someone’s head, just look at their life. Likewise, if you wonder why your life is the way it is (good or bad) then consider the kinds of thoughts that you think on a regular basis.  Most people rarely achieve more than what their self belief systems will allow. In other words, they will rarely exceed what they believe is possible for themselves. For example, if they believe they can never be more than an average wage earner, then they will unlikely ever make more than an average income.  Or, along those same lines, if they believe they are not good enough to marry the type of person they truly desire to be with, they will either end up settling (often miserably) with someone else, or they will remain alone. Essentially, their life becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of their belief system. Their outside world clearly reflects the very thoughts they continuously entertain.

This concept applies to what they believe about the world as well. For example, if you believe that life is unfair and only really “lucky” people (for example, those who are born into wealth or win the lottery) can become millionaires, then you will probably never put the effort towards becoming a millionaire yourself. In fact, it’s difficult to be motivated at all if you believe good things mostly or only happen because of luck.
Fortunately, though, what you believe about yourself can be reprogrammed. However, in order to do so you must actively work to ‘weed out’ all those negative beliefs. Once you are aware of your negative beliefs then you can begin to actively replace them with positive ones.

Without self-awareness, it is impossible to make the necessary changes that will allow you to succeed in achieving your goals.  Millionaires keenly understand that, because their outer world does and will always
mirror what goes on in their mind, they create their lives and shape their own destiny with their thoughts. They also understand that to do this they often must venture outside of their comfort zone a bit.  Most people, however, don’t understand this – they have many goals and dreams that definitely achievable if they take action. But unfortunately, the action they need to take may be just outside of their comfort zone. Unlike the few who achieve incredible wealth, the majority simply are not willing to do very many things that are unfamiliar and uncomfortable.  By nature, we as human beings tend to prefer to stay in our comfort zone – even if the consequences of doing so are not in our best interest. But when you dare to stretch yourself and endure some discomfort, the rewards can be incredible!

I’ll give you a good example of this: Most people can learn to play the guitar or piano, or learn a foreign language. But doing so is just outside their comfort zone because it takes time and effort. Learning these skills requires a lot of practice – usually at least an hour or so several days a week for months and months - and often a few years - in order to master that goal.  So, even though most goals are truly achievable for most people, the fact that the path to getting there is just outside the average person’s comfort zone keeps many people from even trying. This is one of the reasons few people ever become millionaires.

But millionaires very keenly understand that they are responsible for creating their lives and shaping their own destinies. They fully understand that doing so requires doing those very tasks that most people refuse to do – tasks outside their comfort zone. They do it, though, because the reward outweighs the discomfort along the
way – and they’re serious about achieving their goals. The irony is that it’s often not drastically far outside of their comfort zone – rather, it’s just enough to cause most people to hesitate or not try at all.  What you allow to go on inside your head is one of the key factors that determines whether you go through life earning an average income or earning a 7 figure income, and the quality of those thoughts will determine whether or not you will actually take action towards your goals on a daily basis even when it’s not comfortable to do so.
As long as you choose to stay in your comfort zone, you are not going to accomplish very much in your life, and you definitely won’t become a self-made millionaire.

Cognitive dissonance

Now, there’s a psychological concept that explains why the world around you – your external reality - closely mirrors what goes on inside your head. It’s called “cognitive dissonance” and it occurs when the world outside is out of alignment with your thoughts and beliefs.
Cognitive dissonance means there is internal conflict - and your brain prefers harmony. So your mind quickly begins working (often subconsciously) to determine ways to get rid of the conflict. Your brain will find a way to make your outside world accurately mirror your thoughts and beliefs.  This is one of the reasons why your thoughts (and choosing positive, empowering ones) are so very important!!
So, if you believe you are capable of a lot more than what is actually happening in your life – if you firmly believe that and you adopt this and the other mindset traits that I’m about to reveal to you, then your mind will work towards your goals rather than against them – because again, it wants to resolve any cognitive dissonance.
To put it more simply – If you want to change your world (and become a millionaire), you have to start
by changing your thoughts.  Since your outer world will always end up reflecting your thoughts – you must
choose positive, self-empowering thoughts that fit with and support your goals!

Now a lot of people believe that this is the Law of Attraction at work – that the universe  is doing it for you. This may very well be the case, although I’m somewhat more inclined to think that it is largely due to the fact that by focusing on your goals and all the things you desire, and by reprogramming your mind so that you have a millionaire mindset, you will end up – both on conscious and subconscious levels – working your way towards achieving those goals. Because your brain wants the cognitive dissonance to go away!  Either way, believing in yourself and your ability to achieve the life of your dreams is a very important mindset trait for you to acquire if you are truly serious about becoming a millionaire some day. In fact, that belief will make an enormous difference in your life, so the sooner you adopt it the better!

Whenever you find yourself saying anything inside your head that is negative and not helping you towards your goals, stop those thoughts. It’s not easy to consciously monitor your thoughts all day long in order to make yourself think more positive, empowering thoughts – after all, that takes a lot of effort. It’s much easier to just
continue to allow a runaway stream of negative thoughts to go on in your head.  But that has serious consequences for your life.  It’s kind of like the parents who allow their children to run around screaming, throwing tantrums, and doing whatever they want regardless of the consequences. In the end, not only do the parents suffer but the children do as well. I’m sure you’ve been around families like that (or have one of your own) and most likely it wasn’t a pleasant experience.  However, by providing proper supervision (and close monitoring) and discipline, and by setting appropriate limits, those children will more likely grow up to be respectable, responsible adults. Just like being a good parent, it’s really important to consciously
monitor your thoughts and stop the negative ones. Use positive affirmations to begin to take control over what’s going on in your mind. 

It is extremely important and helpful to begin consciously changing your thoughts, especially if you’re not actively thinking on a regular basis the types of thoughts that will help you to believe in yourself and develop the confidence to start moving towards your goals.  Begin to take action on changing your thoughts today. Understand that you can reprogram your inner belief system, no matter how “out of control” it may be right
now. If you can get your inner belief system to accept that you’re truly going to achieve your goals, and you start adopting all the traits that you’re learning right now from reading this article, you’ll be a lot more likely to get there. In fact, you will get there.
Okay – that was a bit lengthy but your thoughts are sooooooooo very important that
I really wanted to make sure I got the point across!

Article by Mark Ling http://www.amazingself.com

Gain more energy, focus & relaxation with Meditation by Chris D. Cruz

Meditation can bring a variety of benefits to your life. You can use it to gain more energy, focus
your mind, relax your body, attain peace, rejuvenate your spirit, and many other things.
Meditation is primarily a way to rest and relax your mind.
Meditation allows your mind to go into a deeper, more relaxed stage where you're more aware of your body and surroundings.
There are various methods of meditation, but they all focus on the main goal to quiet your mind and achieve a state of inner calm.
Here are three simple strategies that can help you get the most from your meditation:
1. Choose the best time and place. Because of our different schedules and harried lives, not everyone will find the same time best for them. The time of day is not really so important as long as you pick a time that works well for you.
- Choose a time to meditate when you won't have the phone ringing or kids knocking on your door. To quite your mind you need quiet in the home.
- It's best to avoid times right before or after eating.
- Some people do well with 10 minutes of meditation time while others need at least a half hour.
It's also important that you find a great place for your meditation. You'll need an environment that's
both relaxing and quiet, so that nothing takes your attention away from meditating.
- Turn off loud appliances, the television, and even your phone, so you're not distracted or interrupted.
- Sometimes going outdoors can provide an inspirational place for meditation.
- Setting a calm mood will help you meditate. Closing the curtains, turning on soft light, or lighting your favorite scented candle might help you relax.
2. Clear your mind. Even when we're still, our minds continue to think. It's easy to allow the problems of the day to come into your mind while you're trying to meditate. It's important that you focus your attention on meditating and work to clear your mind.
- Breathe deeply and concentrate on relaxing your body. Picture each part of your body going limp as you relax. With each breath, inhale peace and exhale your worries.
- Envision a place that brings you happiness. This place can be real or imagined as long as you're relaxed and not thinking about your problems.
3. Find your inner peace. Find your place of inner peace when you meditate. It's the place inside of you that's quiet and far away from the cares of the world.
- When you're able to totally clear your mind, you can usually bring yourself to a place where you truly feel peace and happiness.
- Allow yourself to stay in this place for a while, calming and relaxing your body and mind.
It's not hard to meditate. While it's more difficult when you first get started, over time it becomes easier and easier to reach your goal of finding peace and relaxation.