Now, it’s an unfortunate thing but the average person in society actually gets really jealous of people who are more successful than them. That’s one of the reasons you will often hear people make pejorative statements about wealthy people – for example, “rich people are greedy”, or “money brings out the worst in people”, or more subtly derogatory statements such as “filthy rich”.
It’s much easier to make yourself feel better about your lack of success (and meager bank account) by putting others down rather than to own the fact that you are responsible for your life and your financial situation.
Millionaires know, however, that harboring jealousy towards others’ success is pointless. They realize it is far better to be inspired from the success of other people, and to learn from them.
If you ascribe to the principles of the Law of Attraction, then you are most likely aware that resenting or disliking others’ for their success and wealth is going to sabotage your own ability to attract the same. It puts negative energy out into the universe, and the universe will respond back in kind.
Instead, if you express happiness and good will for others – even those who may seem to have far more than they deserve – the universe will reward you – because that is positive energy and will allow you to attract positive things into your own life.
If you find yourself feeling jealous, envious, or negative in any way with regards to other’s good fortune, then it’s really important that you begin to change your thinking. Those negative thoughts and feelings will not help you at all towards successfully reaching your own goals.
You really must learn how to actually be happy for other people’s success and to be inspired by it. Look for ways that you can learn from them. Disliking them or allowing jealous feelings will not get your anywhere. It certainly won’t help you in your goal of creating a life filled with wealth and abundance.
Most millionaires have that mindset – they are genuinely happy for other’s success and good fortune. I know this very well because I personally know a lot of millionaires. Every one of us is always sharing advice back and forth with each other. Not only that; every one of the millionaires I know would much rather hear that someone’s successfully making money rather than hear that they are struggling or failing.
They may experience a twinge of jealousy once in awhile when someone is really successful – after all, they’re human too. But they aren’t going to say things like “I hate that guy”. Rather, most millionaires are much more likely to have a healthy respect for someone else’s success. And, they will look for ways to learn from it to improve their own life.
They are likely to say to themselves, “Okay, now just what exactly did he do to accomplish that?” They take action and investigate a little further. In fact, they may just call the person and ask. Most wealthy people love sharing great ideas and helping others by telling them what worked for them.
Once they learn and understand what the successful person did, other millionaires will likely say to themselves, “Oh, okay, I see what he did. Now I am going to try implementing that same thing into my own business and make it work for me as well.” That attitude is really important and will make a huge difference in your life!
Perhaps you’re thinking to yourself, “Great – I don’t know any millionaires personally, so how can I learn from them? It’s not like I can call them and pick their brain for awhile.”
If you don’t personally know any millionaires to associate yourself with then there are plenty of ways you can learn from other millionaires. Start by flooding yourself with knowledge from them – by listening to their audio and video programs, or reading any books they have written.
Books are a fantastic way to learn from the success of others! There are a lot of great books on for instance. I am constantly learning from other millionaires and improving my mind on a daily basis. Every night - or almost every night - I spend some time reading a different book that has to do with wealth creation or other forms of business. I can definitely say from experience that doing this regularly will really make a difference in your life.
Audio programs are excellent learning tools as well. Perhaps you don’t want to sit down and read – maybe you’d rather be outside taking a walk. Audio programs are great for this. You can often get audio versions of books – there are a ton of “wealth gurus” who have audio programs to help you become more successful and increase your wealth.
Some of the greats are Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Jack Canfield, Suze Orman, and Robert Kiyosaki just to name a few. You can download audio programs onto your iPod, MP3 player, or pop a CD into your car stereo. It’s really a very helpful way to upgrade your mind by doing this every day.
By finding ways to constantly learn from other millionaires you will begin changing your mindset – you will start to think along very different lines than what the average person in society thinks. Reading books, watching videos, and listening to audios regularly will affect your subconscious thoughts on a daily basis and bring about amazing results.
If you struggle with frequent negative thoughts over which you feel you don’t have much if any control, then this is a great way to rapidly start changing those very thoughts to ones of possibility, abundance, and gratitude – all things which will empower you and move you towards your wealth goals.
Also, you will begin to develop a greater understanding of how wealth is actually made. While each millionaire’s approach might be a little different, you will find that the underlying principles are pretty much the same. You will start to realize that wealth creation is a skill you can absolutely acquire rather than some airy fairy sort of thing that only lucky people get to have, as that is simply not true (and a negative belief that you need to eradicate!)
Article by Mark Ling

"Meaningful Marketing Matters"
Nancy James
Starlight Cards & Gifts
(707) 320-1933 office
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Starlight Cards Blog Millionaire Mindset Trait #3: Reinvesting your money is how you make big money – and you should never feel guilty about making big money. by Mark Ling

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