Saturday, March 26, 2011

Do you have a grand vision for your business?

Are you awake and aware?

Albert Einstein was without question one of the
most brilliant minds who has ever lived,
wouldn't you agree?

It's hardly a controversial thought--but taking his
vision a step further into a powerful but invisible
way to build your business just might be.

Today you're invited to watch this short
video and see what YOU think.

[Controversy Or Brilliance?]

You see Einstein said..."Your imagination is your
preview of life's coming attractions."

Think about that for a minute and exactly how this
connects the dots to the success of your business
or career. Because according to the genius of
can imagine in your mind's eye--can be the
foreshadowing of exactly what will happen in your life.

Keep this in mind as I tell you the story of an extremely
successful entrepreneur, who dared to "imagine"
something right into reality in his own life.

I have to admit this might sound a little bit
weird--but it's absolutely worth your
time and attention.

The man is John Assaraf, a well-known businessman
and participant in the movie The Secret. You might
share a common misconception that The Secret was
all about genies in bottles and wishing your way
to a new gold necklace.

If that's your take on it, you've really missed the most
important underlying message John brought to that endeavor.

You see, John has researched the actual neuroscience
behind the Law of Attraction and how visualizations
can become a powerful conduit to anything you want
to achieve in life.

And I can assure you it has absolutely
nothing to do with fantasy or make-believe.

[How To Achieve More]

At one point in his life, John left his comfortable life
in Indiana, packed up his family, and relocated to
Canada. They lived there for about three years,
while their belongings sat silently in storage.

Eventually John and his family moved to Southern
California, to a sumptuous home that could grace
the pages of any high-end home design magazine.

And that's where this gets pretty interesting.

A long time believer in vision boards, John had
been creating them for himself for years, with
topics ranging from nice cars, to wealth, to
charitable giving, to an extremely modern
home he wanted to live in someday.

He'd created the vision boards, which eventually
were packed into the stored belongings. That is
until it was time to unpack the boxes at their
new California home.

I'll let John tell you the rest of the story--it's actually
quite incredible, especially since the proof is there
for you to see that what he experienced is real.

But it's more than just a fascinating story--it's a
stunning example of what is possible when you
truly understand the science of how your brain
works in conjunction with the energy of the
universe to create your reality.

It doesn't cost you anything but a few minutes
of your time to watch this short video--but you
certainly stand to gain a lot if you'll stop to
consider the long-range implications of the
natural born ability we ALL have to create
your most perfect life.

[Create Your Best Life Yet Just Like This]

After all, if it was true enough for Einstein to
proclaim--who are we to discount the science
of visualization?

Take a look--you've got nothing to lose
except your skepticism.

To your success,


P.S. Your brain keeps you alive, triggers inspiration,
and allows you to navigate your way through the
world every single day.

The thing is, there's even more inner power hidden
away that you probably haven't accessed yet.

This is as real as it gets, and if you're smart, you'll
take this very seriously indeed.

[The Real Bottom Line For Your Business]

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